
It was Rafael, our senior. And I am wearing his shirt right now.

His forehead furrowed as he looked at the shirt I was wearing.

Oops! Can he recognize it?

"That... Is that my shirt!?" He asked angrily, pointing to the shirt I was wearing.

"Excuse me!? This is not yours! This is mine." I refused. I can't be caught. Not now.

"No, I can't be wrong!" He suddenly pulled me and wrapped his right arm around my neck. He cornered me.

"Hey! What are you doing!? Let me go! Hey!"

There was something he looked at on the collar of the shirt at the back.

Shit! Does this shirt have the initials of his name? If there is...

"You, bastard! This is my shirt! How dare you steal it!" He hit me on the head with his left hand.

I’m in trouble!

"Hey! Let go of my friend!"

That was Gab's voice. We are really in trouble right now, but... damn! We can't let these seniors beat us.



I just got out of the comfort room because of the length of the queue. There were two comfort rooms for men and both were occupied.

I walked back to our seats and, from a distance, I saw a group of men fighting at the other table. Everyone dancing on the dancefloor stopped and watched the fight.

Well, that’s not new. This is a bar and such a mess is inevitable.

But my forehead furrowed when I saw the two men who were enemies of another man at the other table.

Tobi? Gab?

Wait! Is that really Tobi and Gab? Is that my friend!?

Yeah, it’s them.

"Shit," I murmured as I saw the man kick Gab on his back, causing Gab to fall to the floor.

What the fuck? How dare he!?

"You, bastard." Clenching my fist, I immediately ran in their direction. I approached the man who had just kicked Gab. Just like what he did to Gab, I also kicked him on his back.

I joined the fight.




I stopped my car when we arrived in front of Elle's house. After we hung out at my house, I drove her home.

"Thank you for driving me, Jake." She said while smiling.

"Thank you too, for the cookies."

"I can bake for you next time."


She giggled. "Of course, why not? You know I'm always free during weekends."

"Great! Wait, so, are you inviting me again this weekend?"

"Are you free?"

"Of course, yes! Yes, I'm free." I replied with enthusiasm.

"Are you sure? You're not busy on that day?"

"Of course. I promise I'll definitely make it." I will definitely clear my schedule next weekend. I won't let Elle's invitation to me be wasted again.

"Okay. You promised."

"Yeah. I promised.”

"All right. So, I'm going in. Good night. See you tomorrow and at the weekend."

I chuckled. "Yeah. Good night. See you too.”

She smiled and got out of my car. Before she walked to their house, she waved her hand at me.

Oh, damn! It's like I'm flying now because of so much fun. Ah, I want to fast-forward time!

Let's wait patiently, Jake. You'll be seeing her tomorrow anyway.


I glanced at the window of her room before I started the engine and drove the car away.

In the middle of my way, my phone suddenly rang. I looked at the phone screen and saw an unknown telephone number calling me.

A telephone number?

Who is this?



We're in trouble. After what happened earlier at the bar, the three of us were at the police station. Two bouncers brought us here. Our seniors had already returned home, and the three of us were left here because there had to be someone in the family of one of us to pick us up.

So we gave Jake's phone number to a policeman so he could call Jake to pick us up here. I also told the police that Jake was my brother.

We can't send our parents here because I'm sure we'll both be scolded by our mothers. I can’t let that happen. Mum would really nag me and she might put me grounded.

I hope Jake will go with the flow. I’m nervous.



"Hello?" I reluctantly answered the call.

"Hello? Is this Jake Darrell Velence?"

"I'm sorry?" I frowned in astonishment. Yeah, I'm Jake Darrell, but my last name isn't Velence. It was Tobi’s last name.



The three of us looked at the policeman in front of us as he held the phone, calling Jake. The three of us were nervous that Jake might not go along with our plan and the police would find out I was lying. We will be even more in trouble when that happens.

We couldn't even text Jake because the policeman took our cell phones.


My heart beats so fast because of the nervousness when the police spoke. Jake had picked up the calls. Damn, please go with the flow, Jake. Save us.

"Is this Jake Darrell Velence?" The police asked Jake on the other line.

Yeah, Velence, because I told him that Jake is my brother.

For sure, Jake is bewildered right now.

I'm sorry, bro! Anyway, I will be his brother-in-law soon. *laughs*

"Is this Torry Bill Velence's brother?" The policeman looked at me as he asked that question to Jake.

I slightly swallowed my saliva due to nervousness, but I did not make it obvious that I was nervous.

Come on, Jake! Save your brothers!

"Tobi?" The police officer raised an eyebrow at me as if looking at me suspiciously. He moved the phone slightly away from his ear. "Are you Tobi?" He asked me.

"Yes. Yes, it's my nickname. That's what my brother calls me." I answered, chuckling awkwardly.




"Is this Torry Bill Velence's brother?"

My forehead furrowed even more in astonishment. Me? Tobi's brother? When did I become Tobi's brother? Who is this? Are they making fun of me?


"Yes, it's Tobi. This is Henry Garza from the Police Station and I need you to come here to pick up your brother along with his two friends."

"Wh... What? P... Police Station?" I was shocked. Is this a prank call?


"Wait... Sir, may I know what happened?"

"It's better that you come here so you can find out what your brother did."

Maybe not.

"Okay, sir."

"Okay. Thank you," then the call ended.

“Damn! What happened to them? And why...” I paused when a light bulb lit up in my head.

Ah... I got it!

Ok. I got it.

I already know why the police identified me as Tobi's brother. Tobi probably introduced me as his brother so that someone would pick them up at the police station.

Ah, I’m so clever.

Anyway, what kind of nonsense things did they do and did they end up at the police station?



The police hung up the phone after his conversation with Jake ended.

I'm not nervous anymore because we successfully lied to this policeman.

"You guys wait there and your brother will come in a few minutes." He said while looking at me and stood up in his seat.

"Uh, excuse me, Sir..?” I uttered before he could walk away.

He raised an eyebrow at me.

“Uh, can we get our cell phones?”

"I will return your cell phone to you when your brother arrives." He turned his back after he said that.

"Okay, Sir! Thank you!"

"Damn! I’m glad we didn’t fail." Gab whispered.

"Yeah. Thank goodness Jake didn’t let us down.” Zed whispered.

"Me too," Gab and I replied in whispers.

"But our problem doesn't end here. Rafael may have already told Coach Matt about it.” I said while shaking my head.

"Sorry, bro. It's our fault." Zed.

"Yeah. Sorry, bro.”

I sighed. “It's fine. What is done is done, anyway."

We just let out a sigh.



I jumped out of my car when I reached the police station. I walked inside the station and immediately saw my friends.

I walked in their direction and they immediately saw me.

"Brother!" Tobi beamed when he saw me. He stood up and immediately ran closer to me. He hugged me.

Yeah, I know this jerk is just acting.

I hugged him back. "Yeah, asshole," I whispered while smiling because the police are looking at us.

"Sorry, bro, just save us tonight."

"Tss. Fine."

"Oh, my god. Thanks, bro! Don't worry, I'll shoulder your lunch for a week."

"Save your words."

"Of course, promise." He moved his body away from hugging me. But wait, he smells... beer. Did he drink? Or should I say... did they drink?

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

"Sorry for disturbing you, bro. I know you were on a date with your girlfriend." He said with a strong voice. Probably for the police to hear that.

"Uh! It's okay. Let's settle this so we can go home. Mum and Dad are waiting for us. We have family dinner tonight, remember?"

"Right. This way, bro." He winked at me and I slightly rolled my eyes.

The two of us walked in the direction of Gab and Zed. The police approached us.

I glanced at Gab and Zed for a moment before I looked at the police.

"Good evening, Sir." I greeted him.

"Good evening. Are you his brother?" He asked, referring to Tobi.

"Yes. That's right, Sir."

"Show me your ID please."

And I seemed deaf to what he said.


Not only was I surprised by what he said, but my friends were as well.


Tobi immediately stood up from his seat. "Ah, Sir. Is it necessary..."

"I'm not talking to you, so stay seated. Okay?" He cut Tobi's sentence.

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry." Tobi apologized and went back to his seat.

Ah, seriously.

The police turned their attention to me. "Show me your ID please." He said again.

Damn it! We're doomed!

Can I just leave my friends here?

"Uh, Sir... Actually..." I couldn't continue what I was about to say because someone spoke from behind.

"Good evening!"

Turning around, I was shocked to see Lukeweynn.

What is he doing here?
