
What is he doing here?

He looked at me before he turned his gaze to the police. He walked in our direction. He handed an ID card to the police.

"I'm Lukeweynn Ferrer. I'm here to pick up my students." He told the police and he looked at my friends.

My friends didn't hesitate to call him 'Professor'.

Seriously? They didn't even know Lukeweynn.

Lukeweynn turned his gaze back to the police. "I apologize on their behalf, Sir. I assure you it won't happen again."

"Yes, Sir. No worries. You can take your students now." The police voice was calm and respectful.


But why is he so serious and mean to me?

Huh! Is it because this crazy man is respectable? Really?

"Thanks." Lukeweynn looked at my friends. "Let's go, students."

"Yes, Professor!"

And he looked at me. "You too." A small smile slipped out of the corner of his mouth and then he walked out of the station.

Gab and Zed followed him.

"Brother, let's go!" Tobi pulled me out of the station.

"Hey, what brings you here?" I asked Lukeweynn when we got out of the station.

He turned around to face me.

"I'm here to pick up my students."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "I'm not joking. What are you doing here?"

He chuckled. "Actually, I was on my way home but I saw you so I thought of following you and I saw you, coming here. I was worried. I thought something bad happened to you." His face looked so honest while he was saying that, so I didn't answer right away.

"Wait... you two know each other?"

I got back to my senses when Tobi asked a question.

Jeez. I haven't introduced Lukeweynn to them yet.

"Do you know our friend, Professor?" Zed added a question and Lukeweynn slightly laughed.

Professor, my foot.

"Yeah. I know him."

"Really???" Gab, Tobi, and Zed reacted at the same time, then they looked at me.

"Bro! You didn't even say that you knew a professor.” Gab.

"He's not a professor, okay?"

"Huh? What?”

“You heard me.”

“Eh? Then, why did he say..." They looked at Lukeweynn again. "Is that true, Professor? You’re not a professor?”

Lukeweynn nodded his head. "That’s right. I'm not a professor. I just said that for..." Lukeweynn paused and looked at me. "So, Jake won’t be in trouble.”

I frowned at him.

Ew! What is he saying? He's giving me chills.

"Whoah! That's... That sounds sweet. But, wait! If you're not a professor then, what are you?" Zed asked in confusion. "I mean your occupation."

But before Lukeweynn could answer, I spoke.

"Alright, guys. Enough. It's time to go home! Come on! Let's go!" I pulled the three of them away.

"Bye, boys! Bye, Jake." I heard Lukeweynn say from behind. I just ignored him. He was really ruining the day.

"Wait, bro. I'm still asking him." Zed.

"Yeah. Besides, how did you two meet? Where?" Gab.

"You don't have to know that." I stopped pushing them when we reached our cars.

"Why? Who is he? Where did you meet him?” Tobi.

Tss. They're really curious. But I still can't tell them about Lukeweynn.

I'm not ready yet. Tch.

"He's my father's secretary."

What? What did I say? Never mind. I already said it.


I glanced at Lukeweynn. He smiled at me as our eyes met.

What the? Why isn't he leaving yet?

Shaking my head, I turned my gaze to my friends. "Yeah."

"Oh, he's your father's secretary. But why are you so mean to him?" Zed.

"Because we're not close. Do you need a reason for that?"

"You're so mean. Anyway, thanks to him. If it wasn’t for him, the police might have caught us."

"Oh yeah? What did you do and you guys are at the police station? And why do you have bruises on your face? Did you guys get into a fight? Lastly, did you guys drink?"

"You know what, bro? You're right. We should go home." Gab.

"Huh?" My forehead furrowed.

"Right! Let's go home. Come on."

"Yup. We'll go ahead, bro. See you tomorrow." Tobi taps my shoulder.

Wait! Are they trying to escape my questions, huh?

"Wait, I'm still asking you..."

"Long story. We'll tell you tomorrow. Bye, bro!" Zed said and the three of them got into the car.

"Take care on your way home. See you tomorrow!" Gab said.

They waved at me and before I could speak they drove the car away.

Ah, those assholes. What could they have done?

"Your friends are kinda funny."

I was slightly surprised when someone suddenly spoke next to me.

Who else?

"You? Why are you still here?"

"Because you're still here."

Even his answers to my questions are really annoying.

"Tss. Crazy." I whispered while shaking my head. I was about to walk to my car when he spoke.

"Do you want to eat dinner with me?"


"Eat dinner with me." Not a question but a statement from him.

I slightly scoffed. "Why would I? Our date is over, OK? I need to go home. I'm tired."

"Did you go anywhere after we parted our ways earlier?”

And why is he asking that? As if he needed to know everything that was going on in my life.

"It's none of your business, OK? Go home. I'm going home too." After I said that, I got inside my car and left.

Dinner, huh? Why didn't he eat alone?

After a few minutes, I got home. I parked my car in the garage and went inside. Aling Tina, one of our maids, greeted me.

"Good evening, Sir. Your dinner is ready."

"Thank you, Aling Tina. Good evening too. By the way, is Dad here yet?"

"Yes. Actually, he's..."

"I'm waiting for you, my son."

I looked at someone who spoke and it was Dad.

"Dad!” I walked towards him and gave him a short hug. "Good evening." I smiled.

"How's your date?" He asked as we walked to the dining area.

Yeah, as I expected, he would ask that.

"It went well, Dad."

"That's good to know. Thank you for helping me, son."

"Yeah. Of course." I just smiled. Well, I have no choice but to help you.

The two of us sat in the chair as we reached the dining area.

"By the way, Lukeweynn and I talked earlier."

What were they talking about?

"The wedding of you two is going to happen this Saturday."

"Huh?" My eyes slightly broadened in surprise.

Saturday? This Saturday!? Why so soon?

"His parents are going home soon, so you two need to get married asap. And..." Dad paused.


It doesn't look like what he's going to say is good. I'm getting nervous.

"You will move into his house after the wedding."

"What!? We're going to live under the same roof? Why? Why does that have to be done?" I'm shocked. I can't believe this!

Yeah, I'm expecting bad news from him, but I didn't expect him to say that.

Damn? I couldn’t afford to live under one roof with that man.

"Yes, that has to be done according to Lukeweynn."

"According to him? How about you, Dad? Do you agree with what he wants to happen? Because I am not."

"I understand. I also don't agree with what he wants, but I have no choice but to say yes, Jake. I need Lukeweynn more now for our business. I'm so sorry, Jake. But please just bear with it for now. It's gonna be fine soon. I swear you won't gonna stay at his house for so long. I promise you that."

I let out a sigh of frustration. This is so really ridiculous! Seriously!

I can’t believe this will happen in my life.

Damn! I'm completely annoyed right now, but yeah, what can I do? Tss. I always lose my choice in this kind of situation.

Moreover, it is annoying to be with that man. Tch!

"Clear your schedule this weekend for your wedding."

Suddenly, I remember, I had plans with Elle on weekends. Ah!



I throw myself on my bed after I take a bath. Looking at the ceiling, I let out a deep sigh as I recalled what Dad and I talked about a while ago.

Closing my eyes, I breathed in annoyance.

Is this really happening? Why is this happening?

If it wasn’t really just because of our business, I wouldn’t really have done this thing.

I breathe in annoyance again. Plus, I promised Elle that I would come to their house this weekend, but I couldn't do it again. Damn! Why is the timing so wrong?

How can I tell her that our plans for the weekend will not go ahead? I don't know. I really don't know.


I won't think about that at first. The hell, I need to sleep. I'm so tired.



Our first subject this morning has ended and we are waiting for the next class, which is the drawing subject. My favorite subject.

Anyway, I'm alone here because Gab, Zed, and Tobi are in the Dean's office. That probably has something to do with what happened last night. I don't know the whole story yet, so I'll ask them later.

While waiting, I took the sketch pad and pencil from the bag.

"Hey, Jake."

I looked at someone who called me and it was Bianca, one of my classmates. She sat down next to me.


"Uh, are you busy?"

"Not really. Why?"

"Great! Can you teach me how to draw a house? I wasn't able to pass our assignment last time. The professor told me to submit it today. And you know I'm not that good at drawing. Can you help me?"

I don't know if he really needs my help or if he's doing it to get closer to me. Yeah, I'm aware that she's not good at drawing, but I'm also aware that she has a crush on me.


Her face lit up and she immediately held my hand. "Really? Thank you so much, Jake!"

I immediately pulled my hand from her grip. "No problem. Where's your sketchpad?"

"Oh, right! Wait."

She left for a while to get her sketchpad.

"Here," she handed it to me as she sat down on the chair next to me.

"What kind of house do you want for your assignment?"

"Uh, just a simple one."


"I'm not sure. Can you decide for me?"

My eyebrows were slightly raised. Is she serious? Why would I?


"I don't know what it's like. I just like a simple one and maybe you can recommend a simple house design that looks good."

So, she's not just asking for my help but also asking for my opinion, huh?

"Me. I know one."

We both looked at the person who spoke in front of us. I was surprised to see Elle.

When did she come?

"Elle," I uttered. What brings her here? I didn't even notice her entering our classroom.

She looked at me with a sweet smile. "Hi, Jake!" She greeted me, winking at me.

"Who are you?" Bianca asked a question to her and Elle turned her eyes to Bianca.

"Oh, right! Hello, by the way. I’m Elle. Anyway, I know a simple house design. You want to know?" Elle smiled as she said that to Bianca.

But that’s not the natural smile. It's a sarcastic smile.

Uh, oh. Looks like something bad is going to happen.

"Really? Can I know?" Enthusiasm wrapped Bianca's voice.

"Of course, you can. Actually, I'm also good at drawing. I can draw it for you if you want.”

“Really? Would you do that?”

“Of course, darling. Give me your pencil. I'll draw it for you."

"Sure, here!" Bianca gave her pencil to Elle.

He gave Bianca a sweetly sarcastic smile again. “Thanks." Then Elle turned her attention to Bianca's sketchpad and drew a house.

I almost laughed at her drawing but I suppressed my laughter.

Elle can't draw, guys.

The house she drew was a hut.

"Uh, wait, there must be stairs." She mounted it with a stick ladder. "Perfect! Here comes your house. Your professor would love it!”

I looked at Bianca and she was raising her brows at Elle.

"You've got to be joking with me."

"What? No. I'm not. Didn't you say you wanted a simple house? Here it is. I drew it for you. You're welcome."

Jeez. I want to laugh at what Elle is doing right now. My other classmates also laughed at her.

No hate, but my other classmates don't like Bianca because she's kind of an attention seeker. Something like that.

"What?" Bianca scoffed and stood up to make eye contact with Elle. "Are you kidding me? Do you know what my drawing assignment is? Do you think my professor will accept if that's what I'm going to pass to him?" Annoyance traces her voice.

"Exactly! That's your assignment, so why didn't you do it?"


"I'm pretty sure you hear me. If Jake does your assignment, then shouldn't your grades go to him too? Am I right? Now, take your sketchpad, go back to your seat, and do your assignment alone."

Whoah! That’s savage.

Bianca scoffed. "Excuse me? For your information, I'm not asking Jake to do my assignment. I'm asking for his help, okay? That's different."

Seriously, I’m not going to split the two. I want to watch them. Elle looks so awesome right now.

"Oh yeah? Why are you asking for his help? Don't you know how to draw, huh?"

"Would I still ask him to help me if I knew how?"

Elle laughed. "Omg! Really? You can't draw? Then why are you even here? I guess the course you took was wrong. Did you get lost?"

"What you..."

"Ops! Calm down, I'm just kidding." She giggled. "Anyway, do you want me to teach you how to draw? It's pretty simple. Print a picture you want to draw, then mold the sketch paper there and just follow the lines."

All my classmates laughed at what Elle said. I couldn't even stop myself from laughing.

Damn! I didn’t expect that. That was funny!
