The Golden Page

In the small courtyard of the Li family Martial Academy, Li Jing was sitting quietly as he listened Li Hao talk about the Martial Path.

He gave a short explanation about the realm followed after by the Body Tempering Realm - the Blood Strengthening Realm.

After tempering ones body, one cultivates blood and utilizes it to increase their attack and defense abilities.

"Okay. That will be it for today. Remember to read the Blue Sea Tidal Body Art thoroughly and if you don't understand anything ask me tomorrow. Don't attempt to practice the body art recklessly! Do you hear me?"

"Yes, teacher!"

Li Hao warned the children. The danger of practicing Martial Arts is very high, one can end up breaking some bones at least and can die at or be crippled for life at most.

The boys and girls, one by one, started to take the books and walk out of the courtyard.

When it was Li Jing's turn and just as he was about to grab the book, he was stopped by Li Hao.

"Young Master, I must warn you. Even though I am allowing you to have the Body Art book, you're only allowed to read it. Please, don't try to practice it as your body is still developing. It will only do more harm than good. You may be a genius in literary but Martial Arts is different, okay?"

He warned Li Jing especially, his tone was polite yet his gaze was stern. 

"Okay", Li Jing replied after looking at Li Hao deeply.

 Li Hao, then, nodded and said, "Now, please let me escort you to the academy's door. Madam Li is awaiting your presence."

Both of them left the courtyard together.

At the academy's gate, Su Xiaoyue was waiting for her son, the moon of her eye. Accompanying her were two maids, dressed in plain clothes.

Soon, she spotted two figures approaching the gate. One was Li Hao and the other was, obviously, Li Jing.

At this moment, she ran towards him to take him in her embrace. After not seeing her son, she felt incomplete. Just this half a day worth of separation was enough to cause her heart to ache.

Li Jing, who was talking to Li Hao, suddenly saw his mother running towards him. He had lived with his mother for three years and knew very well how much of a hug-person see was.

He didn't mind being hugged and embraced as long as it was within the four wall. However, right now, he was cringed by the idea.

But the sad part was, he couldn't do anything about it.

"Ah~. My son, how was your class today, hm? Did you have fun? Did you make friends with someone? Tell mother.", Su Xiaoyue showered Li Jing with her love and kissed him on both his cheeks causing pink lip mark on both his cheeks.

"Yes, I had fun. I also met cousin Li Xun.", Li Jing said, smiling. He quickly rubbed the lip marks off his cheeks.

"Is that so?", his mother, however, had no intentions of stopping kissing. She gave him two more kisses on his cheeks.

"Mother! Could you please not kiss me in public!?", Li Jing pouted in anger. His furious face looked extremely cute.

Su Xiaoyue looked at her son in surprise, before giggling, "Aw. I know, I know. My son has grown up and feels embarrassed seeing his old mother loving him."

Two more kisses landed on Li Jing's cheeks.

"Fine! I give up."

He pouted even more.

"Now, now. Don't be angry. I made your favorite food for lunch.", Su Xiaoyue said sweetly.

Upon hearing 'food', Li Jing's expression took a roller coaster ride and his eyes lit up.

"Ah! My son is too cute."

Seeing Li Jing's gleaming eyes, Su Xiaoyue thought as she turned to Li Hao, "Instructor Hao, thank you taking care of my son."

"Ah! Madam Li, you don't have to thank me. It's my duty to serve Young Master with my everything.", Li Hao hurriedly said. In Li family, hierarchy was strictly followed and lower ranked member were obligated to show absolute respect to a higher-ranked family member.

"Goodbye, Teacher." Li Jing waved him goodbye.

"See you tomorrow, Young master."

Li Jing with his mother were headed home.

Li Hao looked at the disappearing figures and muttered softly, "I feel hungry too."


Currently, Li Jing was lying on his bed rubbing his belly, reminiscing the taste of the food he just had.

He had to admit, his mother made the best food he ever had, even in his previous life.

He sat up on his bed as he picked up the book lying beside him.

Blue Sea Tidal Body Art!

The Body Tempering Technique he received from Li Hao today.

Li Jing flipped page by page, quickly immersing himself into the book, losing the track of time.

The sun fell and the moon rose but Li Jing had not moved an inch.


Finally, he read through the last chapter and closed the book, taking a deep breath.

Suddenly! Li Jing eyes dilated and he fell unconscious.

He opened his eyes and found himself in a dark space.

"What? Where am I? I was just inside my room. How did I end up here?"

Instead of panicking, Li Jing scanned his surrounding, his alertness was at its peak.

It was then, his eyes fell on a shining object.

"Huh? What's that?", he started walking towards it.

The closer he got, the more clearer the object became. It was a golden page.

When Li Jing was close enough, he saw what was written on it and he was shocked.

Grand Heaven's Reincarnation Sutra.

Bold and Majestic. This was his first impression after reading the title on the golden page.

A special blue-black energy was emitting out from the page. It was mysterious and unfathomable as if life and death coexisted in it.

When Li Jing looked at this energy carefully, a message appeared in his head.

Reincarnation Energy!

This was what this energy was.

Suddenly, the title vanished and new letters started to form.

Blue Sea Tidal Body Art.

However, this time Li Jing wasn't shocked, he merely raised an eyebrow as he continued to observe.


Far, far away from the world Li Jing was born in, above the Upper worlds, further away from the Immortal Lands, outside of Origin itself.

In the deep, dark void. 

Thunder roared and lightning rumbled. Countless Ancient Beings were alerted as they observed the most devastating phenomenon they had ever seen occurring. It was as if existence itself was coming to an end.

Myriad phantoms appeared one after the another around the Tribulation lightning, as they all kneeled one by one.

All Ancient Beings, observing the mysterious phenomenon were shocked to see the phantoms.

"Ancestor Twelve Ghosts!? Wasn't he dead? How come-! No, this is impossible!", an ancient voice resounded throughout the void, it seemed frightened.

"Stop yelling! You coward! Look closely, its merely a phantom."

"Look! That phantom holding a sword in its hand. It must be Dao Emperor Ethereal Sword!"

"That! That one! I am sure its the Slaughter Sage Demon Asura."

"But why are they all kneeling toward the Tribulation Lightning Phenomenon?"

The Void, which was always quiet, was now filled with hubbub of various Ancient Being.

However, when someone pointed out this anomaly, it once again fell into a contemplative silence. In truth no one knew what was happening and why.


As if sensing everyone's dilemma. The Tribulation Lightning intensified, a incorporeal object appeared amidst the chaos.

The object appeared to have no material existence but its spiritual existence was felt by every single being observing it.

They felt tiny, powerless and insignificant. As if they were an ant.

How long has it be since they felt this way? Billions of years? Or maybe even more.

"I-It appears to a throne."

The long silence was finally broken when someone spoke.


"Oh, yes. It does seem to be throne."

"But what is this throne? What does it signifies?"

Again, the void fell into silence. It was only after a few minutes that someone finally said something.

"Wait! It can't be possible! No, no, no! Is it really that throne!?"

"What? What throne? Tell-!!!"

"You don't mean that throne, do you? The one mentioned in the ancient records of the previous era. The one which destroyed the entire Grand Heavens, the 'Battle For The Throne -"

"STOP! Don't say it, you idiot! Just because you don't cultivate the Grand Karma Dao doesn't mean you won't be affected! You will even drag us down with you!"

However, just as the Ancient Being who was reprimanded was about to rebuke, an Ancient voice, much grander and majestic than all the other voices shook the void.




Then, the presence of the voice vanished.

A commotion spread amongst the other Ancient Beings. They couldn't believe that the All-Knowing Parrot was here too!

"The All-Knowing Parrot Sage was here? Wow! I can't believe it!"

"Hey! That voice earlier wasn't that-"

"For the love of Karma, SHUT! YOUR! MOUTH!"

"But don't you think that a billion years is too short?"