The Brand New Body Art

Unknown of the things happening in a distant realm, far beyond Li Jing's reach. He was currently staring at the golden page in front him.

The obscure symbols were slowly etching themselves on the page. He was already shocked to see the title of his Body Tempering Art appear on the golden page.

However, it didn't stop there. More and more letters started to form and when the final letter was etched, the golden page shone brightly and the letters started to detach themselves from the page, levitating.

Soon, the Reincarnation Energy covered all those letters and they started to converge, quickly forming a bluish black star, the size of a bean.


The moment it formed, it launched itself towards Li Jing, entering his glabella.

Once again, his vision become dark and the next thing he knew, he was back in his room, in the Li Family.

However, it was just his physical self, his inner self was still dazed.

He couldn't believe what just happened. This new Blue Sea Tidal Body Art, which he received from the golden page, was completely different from the one he had read about in the Li Family.

The one he received from Teacher Hao described how a beginner has to first learn about sensing and drawing his inner qi to temper his bones, then the tendons followed by muscles and skin.

These three stages were further divided into three minor stages, making a total of nine stages of Body Tempering Realm.

However, the new Blue Sea Tidal Body Art had two major differences.

The first was the use of Reincarnation Energy instead of inner qi. Li Jing, too, understood the reason. According to Li Hao, inner qi was generated by human body by consuming food and stuff, clearly, this type of qi was a lot inferior compared to the Reincarnation Energy.

Meaning, Li Jing would be a lot stronger than others in the same realm.

The second difference was Dantian. Yes, in the Li Family's Blue Sea Tidal Body Art there was no mention of Dantian. Li Jing knew what a dantian was so, analysed that there was no use of Dantian in the original technique, it was something the golden book added.

These changes all worked in his favor. 

With the help of this new Blue Sea Tidal Body Art, he wouldn't have to worry about his inability to practice Martial Arts in his current state.

Despite being only a three years old, he would be able to become a Martial Artist with the help of the Reincarnation Energy.

Thinking this, Li Jing became excited and quickly prepared to practice the Body Art when he, suddenly, heard his mother's voice from outside his room.

"Jing! Dinner's ready. Quickly come to the dinning room.

"Yes, coming!", he jumped out his bed.

He was indeed hungry.


Inside a brightly lit room, three people were sitting - a man, a woman and a child.

Li Shang, after working all day long, finally had time to have some rest and he decide to spent this time with his family.

As the Patriarch of the Li Family, he had many thing to tend to and daily work schedule was hectic. However, he always reserved his dinner time with his family.

"So, Xiao Jing. How was your day at the academy? Did you have fun?", he smiled brightly and asked his son.

"Yes. It was great. Teacher told me about a lot of things about the Martial Path like the Body Tempering realm and Blood Strengthening Realm. He also gave us the Blue Sea Tidal Body Art.", Li Jing replied with a smile.

"Oh? The Blue Sea Tidal Body Art? Haha, our son is finally growing up, huh. Good. Soon, you will become a Martial Artist. However, remember one thing son, don't try to practice it until I or your teacher says so, okay?"

Li Shang warned his son. One would wonder if it was this dangerous then why give that Body Art to him in the first place, the answer was quite simple. Li Jing was a genius in literary and was said to have low level talent in Martial Arts.

So, giving him these body arts early on would allow him to have a deeper understanding of the Art and when he truly embarks on his journey of Martial Path, it would be easier.

Li Jing nodded seriously when he listened to his father. However, in his mind, he was already thinking of quickly going back to his room and practice the same Body Art his father had told him not to.

He, suddenly, thought of something and asked, "Father, what is a Dantian?"

"Where did you hear that term!?", Li Shang was shocked when he heard his son. Even, Su Xiaoyue gasped, covering her mouth in surprise.

"Huh? I-I read about it in the library.", Li Jing had not expected his father to react this way but he quickly came up with an excuse to avoid suspicion.

"Was there such a book in the library? I will have the librarian remove that book from their."

Li Shang thought that maybe a book like that was accidently left in the library and made a mental note.

He, then, looked at his son and took a deep breathe.

"This brat! Why is his so much of a genius, couldn't he be a little dump? I guess I should tell him otherwise he would go around asking everyone in the family, after all, the secret of Dantian isn't known to many."

In his eyes, Li Jing would eventually learn about matters like this and as a smart a** he will be able to keep these secrets well.

After all, Li Shang has come home drunk many times, late at night, and was seen by Li Jing often but would always keep it a secret after getting a candy.

"What a filial son!"

He thought and smiled as his wife always hated him for drinking.

Li Jing and his mother, who were seeing his father's mood swing from a solemn and serious face to a smiling Buddha, and to and for, had a strange expression.

"Has this old man gone crazy?"

They both thought.

Li Shang noticing his son's and wife's strange gaze coughed lightly and looked at Li Jing before saying, "Listen carefully, son. Don't say that word ever again ok? At least not in public."

He stared at him deeply and seeing Li Jing nod, he continued, "Since you have asked I will tell you about the realms of Martial Path. As you already know about the first two realms I will skip them and tell you about the realm after Blood Strengthening Realm."

"The Meridian Opening Realm. This realm is divided into 12 stages - six Yang meridians and six Yin meridians. Your mother and I are in this realm."

Li Jing wasn't too surprised to hear the name of the realm or the fact that his parents were in this realm.

Li Shang, on the other hand, seeing that his son didn't have much reaction was disappointed. He continued, "The realm after is called the Grandmaster Realm."

"It is also called the Dantian Opening Realm. This realm is a legendary realm which can only be achieved by a geniuses or a select few who were lucky enough to come across a divine herb."

"So the cultivation system of this world does support the existence of Dantian, albeit, it seems that it is sealed and can only be opened after reaching a certain power level.", Li Jing contemplated in his heart.

"And Jing, you will be proud to know that our Li Family has one such existence.", Li Shang smiled when said that.

"Who?", Li Jing asked curiously.

"It's your grandfather. The Great Commander of the North, Li Wei Feng.", it was his mother, this time, who answered him.

Since birth, Li Jing has never seen his grandfather but had heard of countless legends about him and how he repelled numerous enemies and barbarians who tried to invade the kingdom from the north.

The Guardian of the North was his title.

Afterward, the three of them finished their dinner and Li Jing's mother left his room after ensuring that her son has fallen asleep.

Li Jing, who seemed to have entered deep sleep, suddenly, opened his eyes and moved his head left and right.

After confirming that his mother and has left and no one was around, he got up and sat in lotus position.

He slowly recalled the contents of the new Blue Sea Tidal Body Art and started to execute the method to draw the Reincarnation Energy from the golden page hidden in the depth of his soul.

The bluish black energy emitting out form the golden page started to flow in a particular direction.

Soon, Li Jing felt a cold sensation in his body.

"Is this the Reincarnation Energy? It feels cold."

Without wasted any time, he quickly guided the energy towards his dantian.