Spirit Beast Blood & Blood Engravement

Li Jing went on to give a comprehensive overview of his thoughts on the establishment of the Martial Training Hall.

Coming up such an elaborate plan was very easy for someone like Li Jing, who had knowledge of various historical records.

However, to the various Elders present in this meeting, the value of his proposal was as precious as their Military Formations and Strategies. One has to know that most of these Elders were not schemers and were unfamiliar with politics.

They were either Generals and Lieutenant in the army or Merchants in the mundane world. 

The one who was least surprised was Li Shang. He was Li Jing's father, of course, he knew how much of a genius his son was.

Hence, he was very proud at this moment.

Su Qian was also very proud. Having interacted with his grandson on numerous occasions, he was familiar with his intelligence. This was also why, he agreed to Li Jing's request of obtaining 'that' for him.

On the other hand, Li Wei Yi and his faction members gritted their teeth in hatred. The old man's plans to ruin Li Jing's image in other's heart has failed. Not only that, it even backfired.

After Li Jing was done with his explanation, the entire hall was silent for a few minutes before everyone started praising his wisdom and congratulated the Duke and the Grand Commander.

'A bunch of ass-kissers.', Li Jing thought.

Li Wei Feng was flabbergasted. After all, he had only heard rumors about his grandson's antics and never personally witnessed it. So, he thought that maybe the rumors were quite exaggerated. Although not far from truth but not too close to it.

Hence, upon witnessing Li Jing's wisdom a grin couldn't help but bloom on his cold, indifferent face.

At the end of the meeting, he instructed the Vice Alliance Masters to come up with a proper proposal based on Li Jing's suggestions and bid his farewell along with Li Shang and the Little Genius.


Leaving the Affairs Hall, everyone realized that it was almost evening. Li Jing bid farewell to his father and two grandfathers, and was on his way to his courtyard.

Accompanying him was a servant holding a big box. This was 'the thing' that he had requested from his grandfather.

After a few minutes of walk, Li Jing reached his courtyard and discovered maids all over the place, moving things.

"Hey, wait." Confused, he stopped one of the maids and asked, "What is happening here?"

"Ah! Greeting, Young Master." The petite maid carrying a flask greeted him before explaining, "Young Master, Madam told us to clean the closed room in the courtyard so that Young Miss Xiao Dali could move in here."

"What?!", Li Jing shouted in disbelief. Without wasting any time, he ran inside.

"Y-Y-Young M-Master!" The servant carrying the box was in tears. The box was extremely heavy, it was already a miracle that he made it so far. Now that his young master left him without any instructions in regards to the box, he was speechless.

"Give me that." Seeing the servants tearful expression, the maid snorted in annoyance before extending her hand and easily lifting the box with one hand.

She departed, Leaving the weeping servant in even more shame.

Inside the courtyard, Li Jing quickly made his way to the garden and saw his mother chatting with a black-haired little girl of his age.

From afar, the two looked like mother and daughter.

"Oh! Xiao Jing, you are here.", Su Xiaoyue seeing her son waved at him. However, when she saw his annoyed expression, she felt a headache.

'Here it comes.", she thought.

"No no no! She is not living here, mother.", Li Jing said while pointing his finger towards Xiao Dali.

"Is this how you treat your guest?", Su Xiaoyue reprimanded Li Jing. She already considered her son rebelling against this decision of hers and had a plan to coax him. 

Seeing him point at her, Xiao Dali jumped from her chair to bite his finger.


However, Li Jing was quick to react and withdrew his hand. He looked at his mother and exclaimed, "See! This is why I don't want her to live here. She is hurting me at every given opportunity."

"Its because you shouted at her angrily. It must have made her feel bad.", Su Xiaoyue defended while turning to look at her and asking in a voice full of adoration, "Right, Dali?"

Xiao Dali nodded while giving her puppy eyes.

Seeing her plum cheeks and innocent eyes, Su Xiaoyue could resist and hugged her in her embrace, "Aw. So cute!" 

'Oh, she has fallen.', Li Jing thought seeing his mother like that and was speechless.

He was about to once again speak when he saw the little imp in his mother's embrace shoot a smirk at him and was shocked for an instant before his figure began trembling in rage.

'You little imp!...You want to live here, right? Fine. You think you can take everything that's mine, right? Very well, I will teach you an unforgettable lesson. Just you wait!'

Li Jing thought viciously as he started devising a plan. He gritted his teeth and said, "Fine. She can live here." Then, he turned around and left. He was really annoyed by this little girl's antics.

Su Xiaoyue was surprised by his sudden words. She had already thought of numerous ways to coax him but it seems that she wouldn't be needing them anymore.

She sighed in relief as she watched her son walk away. 'Humph! One day you will thank me for forcing you to live with her.', she thought before continuing to adore Xiao Dali even more.

Li Jing entered his room and spotted the big box placed on his table. "Right. I almost forgot about it.", he muttered as he walked towards it.

He took a deep breathe and opened the lid of the box.

There were exactly five porcelains bottles inside with their mouths sealed tightly. Inside these bottles were Beast Blood of five different Spirit Beast.

Li Jing had requested these Spirit Beast Bloods because during this past month when he visited the Martial Library, he encountered a book about the enigmatic Blood Engravement.

According to the book, Martial Artist can engrave Spirit Beasts blood on their body to draw out an innate trait of the given beast. These innate abilities were extremely powerful and mysterious, however, the down side was that they were all just a one-time use. 

But they could still be used as a life-saving card. Hence, Li Jing decided to learn this art and went to look for the First Elder.

However, the information Li Wei Ren gave him left nothing but disappointment.

According to the old man, Blood Engravement was a fabled art that was difficult to master, to the point that not even once has this kingdom produced a Blood Engraver in its entire history. Not to mention that the requirement to becoming the lowest level Blood Engraver, the First-tier, was to be a Dantian Opening Realm Martial Artist.

And this was just the first requirement. The second requirement demanded a Martial Artist to possess a vast and profound knowledge about the Spirit Beasts biology. 

Hence, making the difficulty of this profession insane.

The only good thing Li Wei Ren told him was that, their were Blood Engraver in a few kingdoms and dozens of them in the Sunset Empire. However, all of them possessed terrifying reputation and were noble existence revered by many.

But since their kingdom was weakest among the ten kingdoms of the empire, the knowledge regarding Blood Engravement was limited.

After listening to him, Li Jing decided to increase his knowledge regarding the Spirit Beasts' anatomy. However, to his utter disappointment, the library only possessed complete information regarding ten Spirit Beast.

These ten Spirit Beasts were the Black Raven, the Verdant Horse, the Crimson Tiger, the White-eyes Deer, the Shadow Wolf, the Bloodhound, the Golden Eagle, the Mud Crocodile, the Fire Lizard and the Black-White Monkey.

Thus, he requested his grandfather, Su Qian, to find the blood of these beast. 

When Su Qian had heard that Li Jing wanted to pursue the path of a Blood Engraver, he was delighted to help even though he knew that the boy would fail since he didn't possess the talent to even fulfill the first condition to become a Blood Engraver.

However, he didn't want to kill the hopes of a young dreamer. In fact, Su Qian hoped that given his grandson's wisdom, he might be able to make a breakthrough in their knowledge regarding Blood Engravement.

Li Jing looked the five bottles and muttered, "Seems like grandfather was only able to collect five Spirit Beast's Blood."

Aware of the fact that Spirit Beast Blood was hard to come-by and would cost a fortune to buy, he couldn't help but sigh.

He picked the five bottles one by one and read the names of the Spirit Beasts on it. The five bottles contained the blood of...


[A/N: Which of the ten Spirit Beasts does these five bottles possess the blood of? Any guesses?

Weekly Highest Power Stones Contributor: Tal1289. Thank you Terra_Chad, LxrdBlxde for supporting me. 

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