The Price Of Ignorance Is Higher Than Knowledge's.

[A/N: I know it late but I only found out a few days ago so here:

We have all read or watched the Dragon Ball series at some point in life. It was love at first sight. However, on 01-03-2024, the creator of this legendary anime/manga, Mr. Akira Toriyama took his last breathe. R.I.P.]

Taking the Spirit Beast Blood bottles out from the casket, Li Jing picked them one by one and read the names written on them.

The five bottles contained the blood of five different Spirit Beast - Black Raven, Verdant Horse, Crimson Tiger, Bloodhound and....Fire Lizard!

Sitting cross-legged, Li Jing descended into a deep contemplative silence while looking at the five bottles before him.

A moment later, his eyes glinted with decisiveness. He put the bottles back inside the casket except for one.

The Black Raven.

His reason for doing so was the extensive information the Martial Library contained regarding this bird.

Since Black Ravens were tamed by many powerful forces due to their excellent speed and navigation abilities for communication, their physique was studied thoroughly and recorded. So, that they could be treated if injured or sick.

For the past month, Li Jing had frequently visited the library and memorized the complete anatomy of the Black Raven.

Now, that he had obtained its blood, he was confident in performing his first Blood Engravement. 

Breathing deeply, he calmed and adjusted himself in the right state of mind.

"Let's do it."

He muttered and took of his robe, revealing his torso and promptly, mobilizing the Reincarnation Qi in his dantian. The bluish-black qi moved towards the bottle and enveloped it.


The seal on the bottle was opened as the plum of blood inside levitated out.

Using his Reincarnation Qi, Li Jing slowly manipulated the Black Raven's blood and moved it towards the right side of his chest.

While dong so, he concentrated his mind on an image. A diagram of a black bird...and focused on it intensively.

As the image in his mind became clearer, Li Jing controlled the strands of blood and slowly began 'engraving'.

As soon as the red strands touched the surface of his pale smooth skin, they cut right into it.


Li Jing gritted his teeth in pain. The pricking sensation was similar to getting a tattoo but much more intensified. However, enduring it, he focused on the process manipulating blood.

Beads of sweat poured out of his forehead.

The blood strands rattled, their movement similar to that of snakes as they slowly took shape of bird.

The process was painful but Li Jing, being a Peak-stage Blood Tempering Realm Martial Artist was barely able to endure it. However, as the dusk arrived, he soon realized that the pain wasn't lowering as he had anticipated.


Instead, the 'engravement' process was getting more and more painful with each passing second.


His bulging veins threatened to burst anytime as he tried his best to not scream. But the torment just kept getting worse. He could almost hear his thumping heart.

While the moon outside was lighting the night sky, the pain inside was slowly darkening Li Jing's vision. While his inner voice kept whispering in his ears, telling him to give up and the pain would go away.

Realizing that he might give in to temptation, he decisively bit his tongue, forcing him to stay awake. 

If Blood Engravers were to witness this scene, they could call his act suicidal and him a madman! Why? Because Li Jing wasn't using an Engravement Brush, which would exponentially reduce to suffering. 

Instead, he was utilizing Qi.

Which was impossible without the Brush as a medium. Both practically and theoretically. Hence, what he was doing was nothing but having a death wish.

However, Li Jing didn't know this and merely thought that all he had to do was give himself a tattoo with whatever means possible.

Also, he was curious ...Curious to see how things would unfold if he was successful in Blood Engravement. What kind of ability would he gain from the blood of Black Raven? 

This curiosity was strong enough to fuel his madness. With nothing but his will, he enduring the insufferable pain.


However, suddenly, a tremor ran over his body and he twitched violently. ...All of a sudden, his pupils turned black while his sclera was tinted with grey.

At this point, Li Jing has lost the bit of sanity he had and fell unconsciousness.

While his body stopped trembling!

Promptly, his vibe changed if he was a different person.


One of the worst scenarios other than death itself whilst performing Blood Engravement.

When the instincts hidden within the Spirit Beast's blood that was being used while 'Blood Engraving' go berserk and take over the body of the one who was receiving Blood Engravement is called Possession.

The cause for this was improper carving of the Beast Blood Symbol.


The possessed 'Li Jing' stood up and let out a beastly roar. Running his hands through his hair, he observed his surrounding while tilting his head left and right.

"Squawk! Where am I? Squawk!"

'Li Jing' muttered while making a birds chirping sound. 

"Squawk! I remember flying towards that...!"

Rubbing his head, 'Li Jing' tried his best to remember the last memory he had when he suddenly stopped and gritted his teeth, realization glinting in his eyes.

"Damn it! Squawk! Fucking idiot! I...I...I...I can't believe it. I never stood a chance. Squawk~"

'He' cursed before muttering in incredulity and shuddering in fear when 'he' recalled the scene before 'his' death. 


The door to Li Jing's room subtly slid open, making a muffled, stretched noise.

A little girl holding an iron sword walked in carefully, as if afraid to make any sound. Her face sweating 

Of course, she was Xiao Dali. Moments ago, she was practicing her sword skills in her new courtyard when she suddenly heard a roar.

"...!! What was that? That sounded familiar. Could it be a Monster?"


The kind of beasts who possess low-level intelligence but a strong physique akin to that of Body Tempering and Blood Strengthening Realm Warriors. However, that's their limit. 

Xiao Dali speculated, quickly raising her guards. Holding her sword tightly, she started inspecting her surrounding.

Finding nothing in her courtyard, she decided to check other places.

Stepping out of her room, she began inspecting the hallway when she suddenly heard weird noises from Li Jing's room.

What is that sound? Is it a bird...

Xiao Dali wondered. 

While she was moving towards Li Jing's room, 'Li Jing' was analyzing his current situation.

"Hm? Right, where am I again? Based on the Spirit Qi Density, this is a low-level. Wait! Why am in a human's body? And one that is so weak and fragile? Oh~ So this human child was performing a kind of Body Talisman Art, huh? Seems like he used my blood for it and failed. Keke! ...Huh?!"

 In an instant, 'he' was able to completely figured out where he was, who he was and what caused it ...As if he was an omnipotent being. 

Suddenly, he heard the sound of 'his' room's door opening, followed by a delicate voice.

"Hey, dumbo! Did you hear or see anything strange?"

Xiao Dali asked while looking at him and wondering,

'Why is he naked?1

However, she chose to ignore. Right now, their was a more pressing issue and due to the darkness of the night, she was unable to see the obscure bird-like symbol engraved on his right chest.

'Li Jing' hearing her question snapped out of 'his' thoughts and looked at her.

'A little human girl? Did she ...just call me dumbo? Dumb? Me? H-How dare she! And how dare she point a sword at me, Wu Xie, the sole heir of All-Knowing Parrot Sage!'

'He' or Wu Xie felt offended. As the heir of the All Knowing Parrot Sage, people had always bowed their heads in front of him and revered him.

However, this was the first time someone has pointed a sword at him. 

This was preposterous! Blasphemy! 

Human child, you're presumptuous...

Muttering under his breathe, 'Li Jing' took a step forward and disappeared from the spot and appeared before Xiao Dali.


Xiao Dali was shocked. She wanted to retreat back when she felt a sudden grip around her neck and the ground underneath her vanishing.


Surprised, she screamed loudly and began struggling to break free.


Slamming her into the wall, 'Li Jing' looked at her.

"How dare you disrespect this Holy one!"

He shouted hoarsely.

Looking into his black eyes Xiao Dali felt like she has fallen into the deepest pits of hell. An endless Abyss! 


The unprecedented fear made her hand tremble as the sword she was holding fell on the ground. She found it difficult to breath.

'Yeah. Just like that! Tremble! Haha! You are nothing but ants in my eyes! Hahaha....!"

An evil grin blossomed on 'Li Jing's face while he enjoyed her despaired face when he suddenly noticed Xiao Dali looking outside.


Laughing even louder than before, 'Li Jing', moving his face closer to hers, sneered, shaking his head, "Squawk! Are you hoping for someone to come and rescue you? How cute! I have already deployed an energy barrier. No one will come here even if you scream to death!"

Under the moonlight, 'his' eyes were like black pearls, devouring the rays of hope that the moon reflects.

Hearing 'his' words and the weird chirping sound, an even greater despair flashed in Xiao Dali's eyes. She thought, "The monster was you."

Enjoying her current state, 'Li Jing' felt generous. So, he decided to snap her neck.

Dying at his hands was an honor in itself. Wasn't it?



[A/N: Weekly Highest Power Stone Contributor: Tal1289, Terra_Chad.

Also, if you like my novel please add it to your library and send power stones to support me.

Thank you.]