
Lying in his bed Ashhad was wondering about the life ahead of him, he had now became king of Ortania and so a lot of responsibilities were now on his shoulders, he thought to himself

Ashhad : (thinking) more than a thousand people are now under my rule, I mustn't let them down, I vouch to make Ortania great again even if it's the last thing that I do.

with all that said, Ashhad closed his eyes and soon drifted into the land of slumbers, Ashhad felt as if his body was afloat, he could feel the warm embrace of his dreams slowly engulfing him but then all this pleasure dissapeared as Ashhad heard someone call his name

? : Ashhad, Ashhad Khan, Ashhad can you hear me, Ashhad?!!

Ashhad's eyes opened, he was lying on the ground, surrounding him on all sides was a void like multicolored space, the ground he was lying on was a dark shade of blue and if that wasn't enough their was a computer right infront of him and by some miracle it was working without electricity, Ashhad got up he looked here and there but saw no exit, he walked closer to the computer as he thought to himself

Ashhad : (thinking) what the hell is going on, where am I and how is this computer even working?

as Ashhad got close to the PC a familiar voice came from behind him

? : oh my God.

Ashhad freaked out and turned around, standing behind him was the girl he had seen in his dreams she had blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes as the girl asked

Girl : I'm sorry if I scared you.

Ashhad : who are you?

Lily : my name is Lily Emerson.

Ashhad : wait you're .... the girl in my ....

Lily cut her off by asking

Lily : dream?

Ashhad : yes.

Lily giggled and said

Lily : I know, after all I was the one who showed you those dreams in the first place.

Ashhad : wait really, how?

Lily : it was a long procedure.

Lily went and sat on her computer chair and said

Lily : but after tweaking around for a bit, I eventually cracked the code.

Ashhad walked upto Lily and looked into her computer, in it were three files, the first was titled " faithful 1 ", the second was titled " faithful 2 " and the third file was titled " Lily " as Ashhad asked

Ashhad : what is this?

Lily : something no one was ever supposed to see.

as Lily opened the file " faithful 1 ", inside it were pictures of Ashhad, these pictures ranged from when he was young all the way to his adulthood, along with that pictures of Ashhad's family members as well as pictures of his relatives and friends were also present, seeing this Ashhad asked

Ashhad : what the hell is this?

Lily : I know this is alot to take in at once but please, I need you to stay calm and cooperate with me.

Ashhad terrified by all of this pleaded

Ashhad : please don't hurt me.

Lily : I won't hurt you, if anything I'm here to help you.

Lily stood up from her chair and said

Lily : you, me and whoever faithful 2 is have been wronged by 1 person.

Ashhad : who?

Lily : Leah Emerson, the owner of Rise and Fall.

Ashhad : what?

Lily : look at this.

Lily opened the description of her file, inside it was the following information,

Name : Lily Emerson.

Date of birth : 3 January 2080.

Gender : female.

Height : 5'4'

Weight : 55 kg

Parents : Hardin and Kelly Emerson.

Siblings : Leah Emerson.

Partner/Husband : none.

Occupation : former employee of RNF initiative.

Cause of termination : hateful beliefs against project RNF.

seeing this Ashhad said

Ashhad : seems like you didn't really like this project.

Lily : that's what I'm trying to find out.

Ashhad : what?

Lily : why I disliked this project?

Ashhad : wait, you don't know why you were terminated?

Lily : no, atleast not now.

Ashhad : that's kind of weird.

Lily got of the computer and said

Lily : all of this seems just so unreal to me, for such a long time I roamed the world of Rise and Fall, like a mindless A.I.

Ashhad : A.I?

Lily : ever heard of Guiding light?

Ashhad : yeah it's the program that gives you a tutorial when you join the game, and also informs you about updates.

Lily : now listen closely.

Lily's voice changed to that of Guiding light as she said

Lily : and if anyone didn't understand the rules then sorry I won't repeat them cause I'm not your daddy's servant.

Ashhad : Oh my God.

Lily changed her voice back to normal and said

Lily : I had forgotten everything, the fact that I had a body, the fact that I had a life, the fact that I was a human.

Ashhad : damn that's deep.

Lily : all I remembered was that I was a creation made by Leah Emerson to guide new players who joined the game.

the following words echoed in Lily's ears

? : wake up, you have a job to do, you have people to guide, wake up and fulfill my command Guiding light.

Lily became dead silent as Ashhad said

Ashhad : Lily, hey you their?

Lily : once the last humans had joined the game, I was rendered useless, a mindless computer program roaming through the world wide web.

Ashhad : you must've felt really lonely.

Lily : but then I stumbled across this folder and when I opened it, it all came back to me.

Lily placed her hands on Ashhad's shoulders and said

Lily : you may find this a bit creepy but I've been studying your life for the past few days.

Ashhad was speechless as Lily continued

Lily : all the dreams, the visions, the bolstering of your sense of hearing, they were all my doing.

Ashhad : I see.

Lily : I don't know what my life was like cause I haven't read through my file yet but Ashhad, I read through your life and I must say I'm impressed, not only are you kind but also very honest.

Ashhad : thankyou.

Lily : I'll look deeply into my file as well as that of faithful 2, I have a feeling that their's a connection between us 3 and in someway Leah is responsible for all of this.

Lily took a sigh of relief and said

Lily : I'm just glad I was able to contact you, you have no idea how difficult it was for me to just develop contact with you.

Ashhad : I guess now you've succeeded.

Lily : I'll keep in touch with you through these dreams, mark my words Leah is up to something suspicious, because folders containing information about other players were at my fingertips, their's something special about you that's why Leah had to hide it.

Ashhad : well whatever it is I hope you'll soon unearth it.

Lily : oh I will find the truth.

Lily then looked at her computer and said

Lily : you're about to wake up.

Ashhad : guess I'll see you later.

Lily smiled and the dream ended.