Reforming Ortania

as the sunrays fell on Ashhad's face through the bedroom window, Ashhad woke up, he got out of bed, went to the bathroom, splashed some water on his face and came out, Ashhad headed straight to the dining room, his friends were already their and so Ashhad went and sat with them, breakfast went by quietly and afterwards they all gathered in the throne room where instead of giving suggestions like civilized people, a sort of a fish market like scenario had begun where everyone began giving their suggestion for the betterment of Ortania, but in doing so no one's suggestion was clearly heard as Ashhad looked at Asad who was sitting quietly next to him and said

Ashhad : silence them please.

Asad stood up and shouted

Asad : Ashhad wants to say something, please quiet down!

everyone became silent as Ashhad said

Ashhad : now then, since our rule over Ortania has now been justified, we should steer this nation towards prosperity, I'm all in for suggestions but please keep it civil atleast.

Asad : Ashhad I have some plans, if you may allow them?

Ashhad : yes Asad, you can go first.

Asad : first and foremost we need a stable economic growth and what better way do we have then having a planned economy where ....

Zulqarnain : I thought this was a democracy.

Ashhad : now now Zulqarnain, let Asad finish what he was saying.

Asad : yeah bro, ease up a bit.

Ashhad : Asad you may continue.

Asad : so as I was saying, for better economic growth we should ensure that everyone is producing a similar amount of food and emeralds, as well as doubling on taxes and creating certain storages where everyone must gather food and wealth that is to be used during war time.

Ashhad : now then in order for any reform to be passed all cabinet members must approve of it furthermore, I as King have the ability to veto any law even if the whole cabinet approves of it, now then what do you guys think, should Asad's reform be accepted?

Hussnain : absolutely not.

Alyne : firstly doubling taxes would anger the people and even if we build food and money storages, what're the chances people won't just steal from them let alone give anything in the first place.

Ashhad : so you reject it?

Alyne : yes.

Zulqarnain : I reject it to.

Nizaam : definitely a bad idea.

Ashhad : well Asad seems like this reform can't be passed.

Kainaat : I also think that you shouldn't have so much power yourself Ashhad.

Ashhad : what?

Kainaat : you say that you have the ability to outright reject any reform even if the cabinet approves it, don't you think that's a bit authoritarian.

Ashhad : listen, I'm the King ok and if I don't have the most power then what's even the point of being king?

Kainaat was left speechless as Ashhad said

Ashhad : alright, does anyone have any other reforms they'd like to be introduced?

Asad : I had another reform regarding universal housing where all houses are demolished and replaced with similar looking houses.

Hussnain stood up and angrily shouted


Ashhad : jeez Hussnain keep it down, well what do you guys think about this reform?

Zulqarnain : bogus, reject.

Aliza : reject.

Alyne : just like last time no.

Ashhad : alright then this reform will to be rejected, Asad got anymore reforms?

Asad infuriated by back to back rejection of his socialist reforms annoyingly said

Asad : no.

Asad sat down as Nizaam said

Nizaam : I have an idea, instead of passing long and hard to implement reforms why don't we just solve the problems of each sector individually.

Ashhad : that sounds reasonable.

Humzah : that would be slow but atleast we'd get things going.

Ashhad : slow and steady wins the race.

Zulqarnain : alright first things first let's focus on economy.

Ashhad : mining is a pretty hard way to gain money but it's also the fastest.

Hussnain : many houses lay dormant, selling them seems most feasible, little to no progress was made on construction during Sufiyan's rule, so alot of our building materials are lying unused, the houses that have no owners should be demolished and their resources exported to friendly nations, all the while smaller less expensive housing should be promoted and also people must pay a weekly fee for any renovations, a portion of which will be kept by the government.

Ashhad : good idea.

Alyne : about the health sector, I know this sounds farfetched but I say that everyone should produce triple the amounts they already do and so then during war time even if the people completely cease all farm related activities they still don't starve to death.

Ashhad : triples a bit too much, how about double?

Alyne : ok we'll make it double.

Ashhad : alright fair enough, now about the military?

Kainaat : I say we make a volunteer force, considering that people have really low morale right now.

Ashhad : are you sure you'll be able to train them alone?

Kainaat : Ashhad, I'm better at fighting than you and Zulqarnain.

Ashhad : come to think of it, I really do need to practice my skills cause I performed quite poorly during the revolution.

Kainaat : don't worry we can train together.

Humzah : you better watch out Ashhad, Kainaat's gonna mess you up real time.

Kainaat : to be fair I actually want to fight you to Humzah, you see you must impress me if you really like me.

Humzah : I can never even think about hurting you.

Aliza : aww so sweet.

Ashhad : military, health and economy aside, time for the bigger fish, aye Nizaam?

Nizaam : gladly.

Nizaam opened the world map and said

Nizaam : Sufiyan tried to create harmony between Ortania and Bardonia, bro really was insane cause Ortania and Bardonia are sworn enemies, both nations have fought more wars against eachother then any other nation in the entire world.

Ashhad : what about our other neighbors?

Nizaam : our relations with Crystonia and Navarre are tense to say the least, as for other countries Devonia, Krienard, Yandriz and Arkhemia are quite neutral with us, Prothenia and Aranid have very positive relations with us as both are enemies of Navarre and Bardonia respectively.

Ashhad : I see, in that case I say we reach out to Aranid and Prothenia and offer them an alliance.

Nizaam : we share no border with them so we can't openly trade with them right now, but still restricted trading and positive relations is still possible.

Ashhad : great, that means we're all set.

Kainaat : I'll go and start gathering volunteers.

Ashhad : speaking of volunteers I just realized that their is a big gap between our cabinet in terms of combat, cause while people like Zulqarnain and Kainaat can easily fend of any threat on their own, others like Aliza and Nizaam barely know the basics of self defense.

Nizaam : it's true.

Aliza : is their a way for us to improve our skills?

Ashhad looked at Humzah, smiled and said

Ashhad : their is.

Humzah : yep.

Ashhad : Humzah, from today I'm making it your responsibility, you will train our cabinet members and make them masters of combat.

Humzah : you got it.

Kainaat : in the meantime I'll train the new Ortanian army.

Zulqarnain : I'll come with you so that if any wise guy decides to make fun of you, I'll very politely remind them who you are, Ok?

Kainaat : don't be to rough ok.

Zulqarnain : I won't.

Ashhad : as for the rest of you, follow me and Humzah.

Humzah : time for some action.