Accost Splendora C-8_71 Book by Ryan T.S


Page 71- _Rising Emotions_

Keisuke.... _Oh right, that! I don't know about Hiro but i wasn't exactly thinking. Or better yet i wasn't really paying attention to anyone else other than you. Maybe the doc will forget, plus i don't think she actually believes us even though we showed her the feathered necklace....._

Rintarõ.... _Aw Keisukee!, are you being serious!?. Gah! i give up, ....ok i'll just let it slide this once. (I have a bad feeling about this) Oh and i have something to say._

Senami looked directly into her eyes and nodded positively.

Rintarõ.... _I don't know which way to put it, but i'm so sorry for ever getting angry at you the day you left to go abroad. And for treating you badly when we met each other at school. You were already going through a lot and i just made it worse. Please forgive m..._

A butterfly feeling took hold of Rintaro's stomach as she dished out an apology clogged by a shaky voice. The rest were droplets falling onto the bed sheets while wrapped in a guilty feeling. She felt bad but at the same time badly wanted to hug Kei. Thoughts answered, she felt gentle arms around her back and leaned on his shoulders.

Keisuke.... _You don't have to apologize, it's my fault for not telling you. But you can rest assured, i'll never lie to you ever again._

He softly whispered in her ears, torching a warm feeling inside.

A while passed hogging a tight embrace with neither of them willing to let go. Each felt pleasant emotions rising in the tender short moments. To Rin, a realization was nearing her mind. Heart acclaimed by a pounding pierce, her blushing cheeks rose to a different peak than usual.

"What is this feeling?, i'm not sure but for some reason i like it!!. I've always told myself i like Kei yet i've never felt such strong emotion," an overwhelming desire to chain down the charming prince found itself atop a mountain of pleasures she held stashed in that daring heart of hers. Much less from before, a new strong resolution had finally sprung up. Mirror images of memories together with Kei assembled a rerun in her head while dancing to the nostalgia possessing her emotions. After being told,

"Kei & Hiro..... _Phew!, we thought you would say that so yes, is a week ok.? No need to hurry, you can take your time._"

her mind, heart and soul had already reached the needed answer. No matter how many times she bounced back to the thought of letting go, she couldn't. "A little while longer," her inner voice whispered. And soon even a little had become too minuscule to pleasantly enjoy. She slowly let go along with Keisuke masked by an emotionless expression. It was so clear efforts at trying to hide his flustered face were very hard at work.

Quite the contrary, Rin wasn't blushing or embarrassed. She stoned her head with a mind adamantly glued to the new concrete decision and answer before her set time. A young prince hesitated looking for the appropriate words while trapped inside a phobia of blurting out his darkest thoughts. Luckily sane Rin was there to help as she turned to look at him gleaming with confidence.

Rintarõ.... _Thank you for accepting my apology and showing me which way to go. (At least now i know hehe~)_

Keisuke.... _You're welcome...? i guess. What do you mean way to go?_

She just smiled and laughed a bit before dragging him out. "I wanted to change so after crying i realized which clothes to wear hehe," her pretty little lips lied pushing the door to a slam.

Keisuke.... _I heard you laugh so that's a lie!_

He kept yelling until he finally went quiet and steady footsteps moved away from the door.

Haruno thought of nothing but one thing, the warmth and smell of Kei's body. "So that's his cologne, _fancy_," she talked to herself stepping towards the dresser and putting on a pair of clothes.

Her bright eyes noticed the dark sky stars peeping out from the clouds through the window while pinning up her hair. Every time she let her guard down, his face would flash out of nowhere until whispers coerced her to get fresh air. Flounce-after ready to turn the cold doorknob, a knock approached from the other side.

To be continued.....