Accost Splendora C-8_72 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter 8

Page 72- _Past Time_

She quickly turned it around and opened coming head to head with a cool composed lady clad in a maid uniform.

Rintarõ.... _Oh Lady Inata good evening._

Ayami.... _Rintaro!, what did i say about the lady honorific?. Please refrain from calling like that, Ayami is more like it._

Rintarõ.... _Y-yes, got it!._

Ayami.... _Now, i'm here to take you down for dinner. And don't worry, it's just a simple light meal of spicy pre-boiled eggs and bread._

Rintarõ.... _O-okay. (I hope so, i can still feel that onijiki stuff in my stomach. I'm not even sure if it's digestible)_

Making sure to close the door, Rin followed Inata downstairs headed straight into the kitchen. Everyone was already sitting on the refectory cedar table covered with a plastic-like gingham designed sheet in white and black. With help from an unknown sense, she noticed a stiff and silent atmosphere. Her mind was busy trying to assess the situation, but coming up with an ice-breaker was more of a side thought in the dark corner of her brain. Anyone would reach the same puzzling conclusion as Rin, "they should all have a lot to talk about after getting reunited, yet i only see troubled looks."

Kiyohime.... _Mmh!... You definitely should try these delicious eggs Hiro._

Angel good-natured and beautiful princess Kiyohime decided to take an easy step at cooling the air. She cut her egg into small pieces, sprinkled them onto her sweet buns and passed it to Takahiro. Oddly quiet he hesitated at first, eyeing her with a piercing look. But soon gave into the softness and mouthwatering taste of the york.

Takahiro.... _Thank you Kiyo. I know this doesn't help but if it makes you feel any better, sorry for leaving without telling you guys._

He turned to look at the younger twin siblings with an apologetic look. No doubt his voice succeeded in telling the truth from the way his head faced down deeply begging for forgiveness.

Kagami.... _I would accept your apology but we're the ones at fault. We had reached the conclusion you abandoned us. So we should be the ones asking for forgiveness._

Adorned with a shaky soft voice and sparkling tearful smile, once rude princess Mii stood up from the chair and went to kneel before Hiro who sat beside Kei. Following her example, Takami and Kiyohime did the same. Surprised Rin was, but not more than shocked at how they all changed in an instant. Heads down in a short-bowing stance, the older princess thought of taking the first step at pardoning forgiveness

Kiyohime.... _I deeply a..._

Before she could finish, her pale voice was cut off by a pair of considerate fine princes.

Takahiro.... _Aaah! i don't wanna hear it. Please don't do the whole apologetic attitude thing, you're all creeping me out. Besides, the one you should be doing that to is him not me._

Keisuke.... _Hey stop throwing your tearful begging crew at me. I don't want anyone kneeling before me. But if you all really wish for your apology to be accepted, then don't worry 'cause it's already done. Now go sit down and start eating lady Inata's delicious food or you might just freeze from her deadly look._

He did his best to avoid a down-right sad and touching moment by tossing the attention to Lady Inata's food. For people who were gunned down at apologizing, you wouldn't expect them to easily fall for such a dumb excuse. But it seemed like they were all hungrier than expected. First to take a step at the patching up plan was Kiyo who said," thank you for accepting Keii" in a barely understandable voice as she pushed bread down her throat. The young twins were already taking, chewing and swallowing carefree of the once cold air.

Seeing as how everyone had gone back to their normal selves, Rintaro finally settled reaching out for the bowl of eggs. "At least they're all back to being normal," she whispered, losing her mind to the finite emotions rising from within. Her throat gladly smoothed down the york she thought of as a super food after her normal taste was destroyed.

"This is super delicious!," at one point Kisami shouted , tears gushing out his joyful looking eyes. And indeed the spicy boiled food was so delicious that it was hard to believe lady Inata had laid hands in cooking them. But then again, she was a maid after all. "By now she should have asked how it was," an odd thought crossed Rin's mind as her eyes directly looked at Ayami.

To be continued...