Accost Splendora C-8_73 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter 8

Page 73- _Inata The Devil Eyed Queen of Hell!_

There was no other way to show it except the small fast pounding of Rin's heart, and slight squeak as she gazed at scary looking Ayami. She shivered from a single glance after noticing her serious face , frightening eyes and elbow-crossed hands.

Keisuke.... _Rin what's wrong, are you feeling ok?_

Sweat formed on her face turning into little droplets and making it seem like she was sick. Soon everyone was asking the same question as Kei, but she just kept quivering unable to think or speak well.

Rintarõ.... _l-l-lo-ok!_

She was hardly able to release a "look" while pointing towards the cause of her paralyzed state. Fear grasped their frail hearts as they all turned to look at Ayami. It was less of her appearance and more of the stern look that made everyone's stomachs turn. Hopeless and scared to even ask, the imperial children averted her gaze. Rintaro knew they wouldn't bother asking so she braced herself and decided to do it.

Rintarõ.... _E-rr uhh Ayami, w-what's with the scary look?_

"She asked!, and on top of that used an informal ref instead of lady!?. She's definitely by far the most impressive and strongest person to have guts of standing before Lady Inata!." Thoughts flowed through the young lords, ladies and as if telepathically communicating yelled," go for it brave one!". Haruno couldn't help but feel discouraged instead of getting motivated. She turned back to the maiden lady and noticed the scary face gone. As if washed out, the tightening in her heart slowly faded.

Ayami.... _Eh what do you mean scared look?_

Rintarõ.... _I'm not sure how to put it but a minute ago you had super scary eyes._

Ayami.... _Oh really, sorry if i did anything to offend you. Please if you could come closer, i'd like to ask something._

Rintarõ.... _O-oh ok. (Oh God! i don't wanna die just yet)_

Whispering to herself she moved towards Ayami who stood at the kitchen counter probably two meters away from the table.

Ayami.... *whispers* _I was just thinking of a simple way to make my request sound polite towards the children. I hope you don't mind but i called you over so i wouldn't sound as if i'm involving you as well._

Rintarõ.... _Uhm i don't understand what's going on but as long as i'm not getting eaten alive._

After whispering back she stood beside as Ayami began her all too mysterious announcement whilst looking at the imperial children.

Ayami.... _Please forgive me if i come off as a bit rude. Now that you all know of your father's past mistakes, i'd like you to find it in y....._

Keisuke.... _I'm so sorry to cut you off lady Inata, but could you stop right there!. I don't think there's any reason for you to say whatever you were about to say. I believe that decision is to be made by each and everyone of us at our own time. So i deeply apologize for asking this but could you please not continue._

Rin was surprised to see Keisuke show such strong emotion. As soon as Inata mentioned "your father", his face twisted with disgust. And it wasn't just Senami alone, almost everyone except Takami had eyes that wavered upon hearing the same thing. Clearly they all weren't ready to discuss anything related to the emperor.

Ayami.... _I understand, please forgive me for going ahead of myself._

Keisuke.... _Not at all, it's just our selfish selves which are not yet ready._

Haruno felt out of place as she saw everyone seat in silence. She moved closer to Ayami thinking of whispering a few words of comfort.

Rintarõ.... _I know it's not my place to say, but i'm sure if you just give them time change will definitely come._

Ayami.... _That's very considerate of you miss Rintaro. But don't worry, i'm one hundred percent fine. You ARE the only savior of this family after all._

Rintarõ.... _I don't know why you keep saying that but thanks. And if it makes you feel any better i'll do my best as a savior!. (Even though i don't know what the hell that is!)_

Maiden Lady Inata smiled reverting back to her normal cool self. She waited a few minutes before walking towards the table with open white teeth and asking," was it delicious." They all shouted," yes!!" bursting with laughter afterwards.

Keisuke.... _But to think Rin was able to talk in front of the legendary devil eyed queen of hell._

Rintarõ.... _What's that?_

Keisuke.... _Oh right you don't know. It's lady Inata's infamous nickname from her past prime maid days._

As soon as he finished she felt a sudden sense of deva ju. "Wait, i remember Keisuke saying something like this when he drank the juice. So does that mean he remembers?," upon thinking of the observation, she looked straight at him with hopeful eyes.

To be continued.....