Accost Splendora C-9_81 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter 9- *SUMMER BLUES*

Page 81- _Grandeur of that which lies beyond the vast norm_

"My dad's the director of a bank so he travels a lot and my mom's an accountant, also travels a lot", the reply left her wondering if getting involved with rich friends was a good idea. The waiting car honked again as if they were late for a special occasion. "It's just sightseeing," she mumbled until meeting the face of a gorgeous lady tightly clutching the steering wheel.

Aigasaki..... _Allow me to introduce you to my hard headed and impatient personal chauffeur Asa. And Asa this my best friend Rin._

The lady's pure diamond shoulder length hair waved in the car as she turned to look at the girls.

Asami.... _Is that how you do introductions?And What did i tell you about calling me Asa!?. Oh uhm sorry miss she's just too much, she didn't even say my name properly. I'm Asami Itou, due to a certain wrong bet i became lady Merumi's personal driver._

Rintarõ.... _Oh don't get me started on Aigasaki's carefreeness. My name is Rintarou Haruno by the way. Nice to meet you._

Asami.... _Eh i'm surprised you're still calling her Aigasaki even though she's your best friend._

Rintarõ.... _What do you mean? Isn't Aigasaki her name?_

Asami.... _Uhm not really, i'm not sure why she didn't correct you but that's her family name. It's actually Merumi written as "a beautiful kind of eye"._

Rintarõ.... _No wonder i always found it strange to call her Ai. Wait wouldn't that mean her father is that famous director Namiyo who pops up on financial news a lot?!!._

The lady nodded in silence following what came to Rin as mind blowing news.

Namiyo Aigasaki, an astute uptight man who held several shares in businesses worldwide and a banking director accounted as one of the top ten richest people in Japan, was her friend's father. No wonder she'd gotten a brand new car as a simple souvenir. And to think she held a place in Rin's growing circle of amazing friends. Many knew the name Merumi Aigasaki but they had never seen or met the rich parents' child.

Asami.... _She transferred from Aoyama Tokyo in spring to live with her grandmother here in Hokkaido._

Rin's head still spun in huge surprise until the the girl herself finally cleared the air.

Merumi.... _I'm sorry i didn't tell you. I didn't want people to look at me differently so i asked my parents to enroll me at a prestigious rich school and reversed my first and last name. That way people wouldn't flood to me all day long. But you can still call me Ai if you want it. Besides, i love it that way._

Rin halted after an endless devouring twirl of an upward dancing heart had taken over her normal beating rhythm. Ordinarily accepting the crazy surprise, soon they were pushed into entering the car. She slowly sat onto a new front seat after being told to enjoy the view closeup by her friend. "So what's our first stop?," a minute after taking off, Asami questioned the smile-adorned Ai, in turn receiving some kind of planner or map. Each stop had specific details to the likes of time spent and activities in order. The beautiful lady simply shoved it into the dashboard seemingly painted with an annoyed grin. Her feet clamped down the accelerator and in what appeared to be two hours, brakes screeched before a beautiful sea of wonder.

An ocean of lavender bloom spread into a vista of majesty from their parking spot to unseen ends of the Shikisai no oka (Flower Garden). It appeared as a zigzagging sea of color with the field's changing terrain of an up and down on going view. A row of sunflowers also flowed throughout the field making quite the majesty. Her eyes blinked in surprised wonder following the beauty before her.

Merumi.... _Welcome to Furano!!_ *screams*

"This definitely is a beautiful sight for summer, thanks Ai," she replied with a pleasantly gentle voice moved by a feeling that made her think of being with Kei. But lavender viewing wasn't all they had made a long trip from Sapporo for.

To be continued....