Accost Splendora C-9_82 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter 9

Page 82- _Amiable Friends_

In accordance with Ai's supposedly itinerary, Asami drove to a nearby stand and bought three flavored treats of lavender soft-serve ice cream. A must-try recommendation from the locals.

Rintarõ.... _Mmh! this is delicious! I can't get enough._

Merumi.... _I know right?, tips from a grumpy friend and chauffeur._

Asami.... _Is that an attempt at a joke, 'cause i'm not grumpy and i don't get it._

The two girls found themselves laughing at the lady's serious face while smeared with cream on her cheeks.

They wandered through some vineyards before moving to the nearby town of Biei for more gorgeous blooms. Around were expansive fields of astonishing patchwork flower rows. Since they happened to traverse the area, checking out the Shirogane blue pond was a must. Hours passed by before the planner screamed in response to a shocking discovery.

Merumi.... _Aaaaah! It's already 3pm?!!._

Having failed to keep her scheduled plans in check, she couldn't help but sadly push to her last stop after pulling out 'oooh and ahhs.

Closing the doors along with her friends, Rintaro took off to another unknown destination. After a while of bumpiness and almost falling asleep, the three finally reached their destination. First and far from unnoticeable lay the white wooden plank pointing towards the busy Susukino, Asahi avenue.

Rintarõ.... _Wait we're back home? But why?_

Merumi.... _Since where i was thinking of going next became too time-consuming, i thought coming back and eating nearby before the sun goes down would be better. Tomorrow we have work so we wouldn't want to wake up late._

Haruno's mind stalled a bit shocked by what her ears absorbed. "The Ai i know just thought future-wise considerate of tomorrow's problems?," that was indeed a first ever since meeting her carefree friend. And it wasn't just her mind alone, even Asami showed it but with a bit more exaggerated expression. Eyes were wide open along with her mouth paving way for a silent," is this really happening!?". But Merumi couldn't care less about trivial stuff than what her eyes preyed upon. No sooner after searching had she found the right place and asked her chauffeur to drive them off.

"Hanamaru," the sign read as they entered a classy restaurant decorated in quaint sheng fui. Apparently she had reserved the meal for after visiting the Otaru shopping district, but still this was a luxury to Rinny. With the way they were dressed as adults, no one could tell the difference. And having an amazingly gorgeous lady already an adult, more than made up for their coverup. Asami had been cajoled to taking complete rest after ordering a bottle of wine and dropping the two girls at Haruno's place. Hearing such splendid relieving news urged her to order the bottle knowing the girls were minors.

At first Rin took a sip thinking otherwise, but soon after finding it oddly super sweet, she swigged the whole cup.

Asami..... _Whoa! that's amazing but no more for you._

Lady Ito took back the bottle leaving her in a surly mood as miso ramen slid into her mouth, and her friend took a bite of the jingisukan _(Genghis Khan)_ meat. Soon they were done stuffing their stomachs and got back to the car. In a few minutes before leaving, belly-full Ai was already asleep. Asami drove and left them off in front of Rin's house.

Asami.... _Sorry on behalf of lady Merumi for not being able to make the trip more fun._

Rintarõ.... _No need i'm really grateful for being able to go out. You actually made my day fun and memorable. And i'm grateful to my sleeping friend here for that._

Asami.... _I'm pleased to know that._

Rintarõ.... _Thank you for driving and accompanying us out today lady Itou l. I'll be sure to take care Ai._

Asami.... _Don't mention it. By the way call me Asa or Asami. Merumi still uses that ref even if i say no so why not?. And don't worry much about her, she doesn't have a care in the world what happens to her. Take care!~_

Rintarõ.... _You too! (Ai definitely doesn't have a care in the world what happens to her, but that's only because she cares about others too much to notice herself. Which is also one of her charming points)_

Personal Chauffeur Itõ rocketed off leaving a burden upon Rin.

To be continued......