Accost Splendora C-9_86 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter 9

Page 86- _Languorous Recoiled Days_

Looking outside roared the engine of Ai's car captured to the steering wheel by lady Ito. They made one last reassuring check and then locked up the back door. Out feet walked, uniforms removed as they now leaped into their casual clothes. Each entered heads down in silence ready to take a nap. Since the weekend was over, Ai had told her friend she would be going back home in attendance to her grandmother. And although depressed a bit, she knew they'd still meet at work so her lips bettered a smile and replied ,"ok". Following the quiet languorous atmosphere, Asami decided to keep quiet and drive. Minutes later they stopped already in front of the Haruno house.

"Thank you for the ride!," said Rintaro getting out the car and waving goodbye at Asami and sleeping Merumi. She did the same and drove off.

With effortless slow steps, she walked in the house, bang-closed the door and threw herself onto the comfy couch. Moments after warding off the lazy spirit hogging her mind, she rose to take a stand in the kitchen. A somewhat short pan spinning, kettle heating and jar crack-opening led her to eating simple meal for the night. Judging from the chilly air coming through vents from outside, drinking tea in blankets while watching tv grabbed first prize in best weather defense tactics. But soon she had to join others sheet wrapping, bed spinning and idle laughing while drooling in sleep. Some even worse dreaming as Kings and Queens in worlds beyond imagination. She left her tray on the table and went upstairs while dragging along her warmed up companion.

Mere seconds of yawning they were as she slammed herself onto the bed, reciting the normal daily lyrics of her voice. Endless snoring that sounded like hymns. Owls hooted, well much less than the next door neighbors partying on a Monday. And if anything _little miss genius_ hated noisy events, but anger begotten her ears were very well prepared. As usual she plugged in a pair of earbuds, went under her pillow and slowly sunk into slumber.

Tweeters from the front tree birds hailed signals of a new clear blue sky morning mothering a hot summer sun. Rintaro hardly ever wanted to wake up pulling her phone from the dresser whilst using a folded corner of the sheets. Her eyes could see the numbers 10am and yet she turned opposite and continued to make an effort at conjuring up some sleepy yawns. But the happy heads thriving in excitement over a future happy night, wouldn't let her mind rest at ease. Or body for that matter.

A week had passed since last sleeping soundly from her first easy day at work. Turns out after going in on the second day, mr Stephen's shop got so busy she never got time to sit down. Many were teenagers in for some special Durallin swimsuits exported from a trending designer in the U.S. Days after, a message from Kiyohime came in suggesting going out for the weekend. But reserved to their unfinished outing with Ai, she had to turn it down only to be met with a shocking discovery.


(Wednesday over the phone)

Rin was ready to hit the hay after a long day of running around at work when her phone ringed vibrating from the dresser. She picked up and immediately answered after noticing her new scary friend's name.

Kiyohime.... _Hello Rinny it's Kiyo from the villa._

Rintarõ.... _Oh Hi Kiyo!. How're you doing?_

Kiyohime.... _Superb as always Hehe...._

Rintarõ.... _Hahaha~_

Kiyohime.... _Anyways, i called to ask you something._

Rintarõ.... _Yeah sure, what is it?_

Kiyohime.... _Are you free this saturday 'cause i was thinking of a day out to enjoy while waiting for the summer festival's fireworks at night._

Rintarõ.... _That sounds great and all but i can't, my friend and i already made plans. She kinda made a day out schedule for every weekend of summer break haha~_

Kiyohime.... _Oh it's a shame. But i have to say, you've got one hell of an ahead thinking friend. Notes though, never lose such a person._

Rintarõ.... _You can say that again. Merumi sure puts a lot of effort into thinking when it comes to events or outings. And i'll definitely hold on to her. Sorry i couldn't join you._

Kiyohime.... _It's ok some other time._

The princess was about to hang up when thoughts hinged her to pause.

To be continued....