Accost Splendora C-9_87 Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter 9

Page 87- _Halcyon Days Gone Black._

Kiyohime..... _w-Wait by Merumi did you mean Merumi Aigasaki???_

Her voice rose to a high pitch and Rin could see her making a surprised expression. But the reason lay shrouded in mystery.

Rintarõ.... _Yeah i guess so, do you know her?_

Kiyohime.... _Know her?!!, of course!. She was my best friend through middle school and i always thought we'd be going to the same high school. But she moved away from Tokyo in spring and i never saw her ever since._

Rintarõ.... _Oh she actually joined the same school as me in spring. In fact we're in the same class with Keisuke and Takahiro._

Kiyohime.... _That's so amazing. I wish i had entered Koniaki but instead i chose lonely Tokyo. But that works out well for my suggestion. You can invite her to join in on the saturday plans. That way you won't have to worry about leaving her._

Rintarõ.... _(Actually that could work, all she wanted was to spend her off days doing something so a day out is brilliant. And to top it off i can make their friend reunion a surprise Hehe~) *grins*. Ok i'll tell her to come._

Kiyohime.... _Yay! thanks. I'll send the meeting place later. See ya~_

Before she could reply further the girl had hung up leaving worn out Haruno to sleep.

*Flashback End*

She closed her eyes only for a short while before someone banged on the door loud enough to make her earbuds useless. "I'm coming!," her still sleep-pale voice yelled as she scurried downstairs in white robes. She almost slipped on the tiles padding quickly to her door. Halfway opened, it revealed gorgeous looking Merumi brimming with a shiny smile. "Yoo-hoo!," she whistled, taking off her black sunglasses while fingers tweaked in the air. Body sheathed in an onyx black dress embroidered with heart shaped diamonds, she invited herself inside. Rin's eyes were left wide open paving way for a guessed thought in her friend's mind.

Merumi.... _Uhh is something the matter?_

Rintarõ.... _n-No not at all. Wait no there is...., what are you doing here in that gorgeous dress?._

Merumi.... _Oh my thank you for the compliment. And about the surprised reaction, have you forgotten about today's event?_

Rintarõ.... _Umm not necessarily. I was actually trying to avoid waking up._

Her voice sunk to a new low while releasing the last yawn. She knew trying to take a nap at such an hour meant a scary face and endless complaints from Kiyo. Stumbling upon the silent realization, she dashed up to the bathroom. Merumi got the jist of everything and eased into the couch with a knowing nod. Half an hour later miss Rinny was pounding downstairs in a merigold off the shoulder dress pasted with a birdseye design. Her flutter hooked earrings dangled to make a mellow rhythm and soothed her grumpy looking face. If not for the thought of Kiyo's kindness alongside scary changes, she would've definitely ditched the outing plans. But deep down her heart danced with excitement. Coupled by nothing but the wind, hot sun and tranquility as her friends, boredom found it's way touring up her once hay day memories. She turned around, golden ponytail following the head whilst blasting a sharp gaze upon her friend's blunt eyes.

Merumi.... _What?_

Rintarõ.... _Well... aren't you going to say anything?_

Merumi.... _Oh oh right, you look mwah_

Rintarõ.... _Hmm is that all?, Wait i've seen that look before from my brother. It's the "I don't think that looks good on you" look isn't it?._

Merumi.... _What no!!, there's actually something on my mind._

Rintarõ.... _Huh?... and is this something going to come out of your mind 'cause i need my energetic friend back._

Merumi.... _Well..., i was kinda wondering who's this friend of yours we're going to meet. I mean no offense but you don't exactly look like the good friend-making type._

Rintarõ.... _None taken but i still can't tell you. It's a surprise so you're just gonna have to come with me to the Sukuna park entrance._

Merumi.... _Huh.... ok. Oh by the way we might need to move out now._

Immediately after finishing her words, a loud noise drew in from outside. "Did she make Asami wait again?," thought Rin rushing to take her things and closing the door.

To be continued....