Mission Critical

Reeds father was against letting him go on the mission because of how dangerous it will be, but Reed remembers this mission. Reeds' father will contract the dragon slayers' sickness on this mission. Not only that, but this mission is off world.

The dragon empire has been in contact with alien forces to be more precise it is the Republic of Sentient Planets, the race the empire is in contact with are the Ezail race it is a race that looks elfin but are extremely tall like a man and a half tall there women are a head taller than there men and they are a matriarchal race but the men still have positions of power but the decision making is still with the women. They were also surprised that Reeds whole race could contract monsters they also didn't understand that it wasn't a contract but a manifestation the Ezail also told the rest of the republic council about it but they didn't believe them. The mission Reeds Father was talking about was actually a joint venture by the dragon empire and the Ezail empire to try to settle a rank 3 planet. The different ranks of a planet denote the danger of the monsters on the planet it goes from 1-10. 1 being the lowest and the one most often inhabited by an intelligent race and 10 the most dangerous. Rank 3 may sound weak, but it's not the Ezail don't settle on a rank 3 planet they usually create a temporary outpost and quickly acquired as many resources as they can before the outpost is overwhelmed which takes between 1-2 weeks. The mission was to create a proper settlement and hold it with the joint powers of the dragon empire and the Ezail empire. The resources would be shared 50-50.

Knowing that and that the fall of the dragon empire started here, Reed immediately spoke up, "Lady Crystal, I agree to be your alchemist for this mission." As soon as those words were said, the entire room fell into silence. Reeds' father's face turned multiple shades in seconds his mother turned white about the only people that remained calm were Master Serren and Crystal there looks seem to say "ya I thought this would happen."

As Serren and Crystal were leaving, Crystal said she would pick Reed up tomorrow first thing in the morning. As such, she insisted Reed should pack and say his goodbye's so they can leave right away. However, Reeds parents weren't happy about his agreeing to the mission his father even now kept on trying to convince him that it was too dangerous his mother just didn't want him to leave as he was only 16 his 2 sisters however are whining and moaning that it just wasn't fair why him and not them Reed however was adamant that he will go and be of help on this mission.

As Reed laid in bed, he sent his memory back. This mission was just one of many things that caused the downfall of the empire. Yes, they acquired many resources, but the price that was paid was just too high. The cause was not about the mission, nor was it the fault of the Ezail it was all caused by one moronic alchemist who thought he was never wrong. What's worse is that that alchemist came to become one of the worst enemies of the race he used his knowledge to create devastating poisons and even killed the last remaining dragon birth master it could be said that this man killed his own race just to keep his lavish lifestyle. Well, this time, it will be different, and Reed swears that if he gets the chance, he will kill the bastard. That is Reeds' last thought as he falls asleep.

As morning dawns, Reed wakes up bright and early determined to see his mission to completion, which is to deal with the plant known as dragon miasma and kill Winchester Varao, the traitor of the race. Breakfast is something of a battle as his father still tries to convince him not to go though half heartedly as he can see the conviction in Reeds eyes his mother though gives him a hug and tells him to come back home safe and sound his two sisters are still brats though.

As Reed and his father were leaving Crystal and Serren stopped by to give Reed a ride and to hand over his master alchemist equipment when Reed looked inside the ring Serren gave him he saw the equipment and also a generous amount of alchemy ingredients as he looked up at Serren it was plain the extra resources were a gift from Serren as such Reed thanked him and got back a "You better return alive youngster because a genius like yours will be wasted as a corpse." At that, Reed merely smiled.

As Crystal was his employer, he got a ride on her dragon, and they went up up and into outer space. The ships that would take them to the planet were in the outer ring of the solar system as anyone at the Saint rank can make an isolated environment for themselves traveling under water or even outer space was simple but traveling to another planet in a far off solar system would be too much trouble especially since they are moving 6 Wings from the Wings of Havoc as such proper transportation is needed. The Ezails were happy to provide the transportation, but since both the mission and the existence of the Ezail were top secret, our people needed to get to the ships themselves. Crystals dragon seems to be faster than Reeds' father's dragon, and when he asked about it, Crystal informed him that she was able to break through to the lesser emperor rank thanks to the potion Reed sold in the auction Reed didn't bother wondering how she knew the potion came from him but now he knew why she wanted to hire him as her alchemist for the mission.