1 month travel

As they reached the ships, one in particular stands out, and they seem to be going to that one. Reed thinks it's no doubt the command ship. As they enter the ships hanger its massive not only on the outside but the inside too, although considering who made the ship and what it's meant to transport its not outside the norm as they get off the dragons are taken to the stables and they head to the interior of the ship Crystal tells Reed that she will take him to his rooms after the meeting. The interior of the ship is a little big, but if there are any Ezail on the ship, then it should be just right after a few turns and an elevator ride they make it to the meeting room in it there are a few other people and two Ezail. A few of the people are known to Reed, like his uncle and cousin, as well as the traitor himself.

As everyone takes a seat, Reed is introduced to the others. However, Reeds' cousin remarks, "Why is he here he just got his dragon mark 2 days ago it can't be that uncle is playing favorites." This remark is a major stab at Reeds' father, but Crystal speaks up."The general didn't invite him. I, as the general of the 4th wing, have hired him as our factions alchemist." When Winchester Varao heard that he screamed," Impossible there is no way he is a master alchemist. I don't believe it, and I will now report you as an imposter to the association." As he says that, he makes a call on his watch it is immediately picked up by grandmaster Vivaldi."Great grandfather, I have someone here impersonating a master alchemist. I demand that something be done about him." Master Vivaldi asks to see the imposter, but Reed is a step ahead and shows everyone his master alchemist badge, and when Vivaldi saw that, he erupted at Winchester "You idiot do you actually think it's possible to impersonate a master alchemist with a masters badge not only that but I recognize the serial number he was just inducted as a master alchemist yesterday did you not read the notice." As Winchester sputtered and tried to make excuses, Reeds uncle and cousin had extremely ugly looks on their faces, the reason being they have bin suppressing Reeds father for a long time and now Reed comes along and makes his father look good with his master alchemist achievement.

Reeds' father has been trying to gain a noble title his achievements so far should have not only gotten him one but also a promotion, but because Reeds uncle has been suppressing him, he hasn't gotten it. Reeds uncle is a baron the lowest noble title, and he got it from his father, and the reason Reeds' father didn't inherit the title too was because he was born before his father got the title. But even so, a baron wouldn't have been able to suppress him this much, and it's only because he has the help of Grand Duke Shira. Grand Duke Shira doesn't want him to aquire a noble title because then he would be able to marry Anally but every time he makes an achievement it gets harder to suppress him and now Reed comes in with a master alchemist achievement.

After Winchester gets off the call with his great grandfather, he has an ugly look and gives Reed the stink eye, but what does Reed care for the feelings of a traitor, and as the meeting finally begins Reed thinks he may actually get a chance to kill him though right now he's too weak.

As the meeting progresses the Ezail cautions the general's that a rank 3 plant has very strong monsters and that they should prepare well. However, the noble and rich factions both say that our warriors are greater than any beast but Reeds father who is the defacto leader of the final faction takes this warning to heart as he asks for any and all information on the monsters in the area of the planet they will be on the Ezail said they will forward everything to him. After the meeting, Reeds father wanted the others to stay behind to talk strategy about the monsters and a good way going forward, but they said that they had better things to do and left with only Crystal and Reed staying behind.

While Martin and Crystal were looking at the strengths and weaknesses of the monsters and noted everything down, Reed was noting the ingredients of the monsters' various parts and remembering the potions that could be made with them. After going through the list, they left the meeting room, and Crystal showed Reed to his rooms, leaving with a note stating the ships would leave in one hour and that it would take a month to reach there destination.

The month went by fast. Reed walked around the ship and joined the meetings his father and Crystal made to educate their forces about the planet they would land on. Reed also tried talking to the other alchemists. However, they only gave him the most basic courtesy and then ignored him. No doubt that was Winchesters doing as such he decided the only way to win hearts and minds would be results and the rest just weren't worth winning over. As the days passed, he started to focus more on the monster ingredients and the potions that they could make with them he kept a detailed list of everything.

When they arrived in the solar system where the planet was, they had to go through a waystation that took all their information, including planet of origin as well as other important information. After that, we met the Ezail leader of this joint venture Princess Aiolta. She welcomed us with a big smile and said that she looked forward to seeing what we could do. Reeds uncle and cousin sensing a golden opportunity to brown nose got to it but got nowhere obviously the princess was a pro politician as she gave them empty words to enjoy and they actually bought it. Princess 1 idiot uncle and cousin 0.