Monster poison

Crystal was pissed who in their right mind would use monster poison in that way against her. The person or persons must be sick of living to do something like that to her. After all, everyone on the planet should know that she is a hunter of the empire. Hunters are a mix of police, special forces, army, and judicial court they are the judge, jury, and executioners of the empire. There are some that deal entirely with civil cases and mostly stay in one place, and then there are those that hunt down the rule breakers and deal with them then and there. Crystal is of the later type and is very famous as a hunter who never fails she even hunted down a member of the imperial family. However, that doesn't matter what matters is that someone was stupid enough to use monster poison in Crystal's vicinity and in an illegal way. In fact, the way it was used will get people executed as it is an execution worthy crime.

When Crystal walked into the clearing, she looked up and saw Reed, and instantly, everything clicked into place who just lost the chance to become a hero of the empire and should now want the person that made them lose it to die. Obviously that pathetic little weasel Winchester, but even if she wants it to be him as a hunter, one needs to go through the evidence to be able to punish the perpetrators and she wants to get everyone in a single net.

Winchester was in a good mood. Not only were almost all 6 wings of Havoc using his new herb, but the detestable Reed is now dead as such he should be very well rewarded from the Ezail grand Duke he is working for. Grand Duke Inona will definitely let him rule a continent or 2. Winchester was so excited that he didn't realize that a storm was headed his way and that whether he would survive would be up to a person who already wanted him dead.

On the way back home, Reed was worried monster poison can only be made legally by master alchemists, not because of any real dangers in making it but because it's a very powerful and dangerous powder that if used incorrectly could destroy an entire city. The powder, when inhaled by a monster of any type, will cause the monster to enter a berserk rage, forcing them to attack anything and everything around them. Monster poison is normally used when the monsters you are fighting realize they can't win and try to run. At that time, the monster won't retreat but fight to the death. Monster poison is also a viral poison that will jump from monster to monster, which is why it can be used illegally so easily. All you have to do is do a flyover and drop the powder all monsters that inhale it or touch a monster that is already infected, which will cause a rampage if not handled right.

When they reached the city, they landed at the hospital as almost everyone needed to be healed. Only Crystal, Reed, and 2 others were completely fine. Reed saw no reason to stick around, and he told Crystal he was going home, but Crystal stopped him and told him they weren't going out for the rest of the month so he can focus on his alchemy work. Reed wasn't really surprised. Crystal is a hunter, after all, and someone used monster poison illegally, so he really has nothing to do but research for the next month as such when he got home after trading a few barbs with Teresa he told her that no one is to disturb him unless its an emergency even then someone better be dieing or he will be annoyed.

Teresa was in the kitchen cooking dinner she looked happy on the outside, but in her mind, she was inventing new and painful ways to kill a person. Crystal was good enough to tell her about the monster poison thing, and she had been inventing new ways to kill a person ever since. She does wonder, though, were the people that did this tired of living, or did they just forget about Crystal? If it was the former, well, congrats if it was the latter that would have been the largest brain fart in history.

Martin had a massive headache. These people are getting worse. That's all he can think of as he does what he can to cover up this monster poison nonsense. Crystal was emphatic about it being covered up until she hunted the lot of them down she doesn't want anyone to think she knows anything till the last minute, though Martin wants the perpetrators to be dealt with so something like this won't happen again though considering they thought it was a good idea in the first place let's just say the stupidity is telling. Thank God he basically demanded that he be told about everything that happens to and around Reed, or he never would have known. Of course, he will keep it all to himself.

Estinion was angry who would have thought that Reed would survive the attack. Thank God no one knows who authorized it all or he would be dead, and his father wouldn't be able to save him all I took to silence the person that did the fly by was to tell him what would happen should anyone find out the scared look on the man's face was definitely a good sign. Regardless, he will remain vigilant, and if things go downhill, he will just tell them that it was all Winchesters plan and that he should be able to get off scott free.

Princess Aiolta is amazed that the profits from attacking the monster nests are nothing to sneeze at. Just the herbs brought back are enough to call this entire mission a success, let alone the rest of the resources she is a bit confused about the funny rocks the humans were haggling with each other over she took one to her peoples assessor and he said it was just a rock which confused her more what is so special about these rocks that they would spend 50 million on it?