1 month later

Reed has a bin enjoying this month, nothing but research and talking to both Crystal and Princess Aiolta about runes, but at this moment, he is in extreme pain he doesn't understand it one minute he is using the nourishing agent and the next it's like acid is running through his veins instead of blood. This is unnatural as he doesn't remember anyone having pain while using the nourishing agent. When using the agent, mutations do happen. In fact, they have a larger chance to happen, but they have never caused pain. As he tries to ride through the pain without screaming, he tries to find a reason any reason for this, but he continues to come back with nothing.

As Reed is enduring the unbearable pain, Teresa is cooking breakfast as she cooks she is humming a happy tune, but her thoughts are anything but happy. "How dare those 2 bitches enter my territory and try to take what's mine." Her thoughts continue in that line until she finishes making breakfast as she is about to go get Reed someone knocked on the door. Stifling her anger so as not to let anything show she goes to the door and it's bitch number 2 or if your being polite Princess Aiolta."Good morning princess how may I help you today."In her head though is."Good morning bitch number 2 can you please go and die."

"Good morning Teresa I know it's really early in the morning but I hope you can help me with something."

"Oh you need my help?"

"Yes we need you to help us keep Reed from leaving this house today Crystal has finished her investigation and will now deal with the perpetrators."

"Oh I see ok I'll help. It just so happens that my dragon manifested 2 days ago and I wanted help with a few things that should keep us busy all day."

"Excellent as long as he stays inside everything should be easier for Crystal."

After that Aiolta left and Teresa closed the door and went up the stairs to get Reed for breakfast.

Crystal is on her way to a meeting as she heads to the meeting room she goes through the evidence in her head. There is no way these 3 are getting out of this. She thinks as she opens the door and walks into the meeting room where Winchester Varao, Estinion Getlset, and a man named Warren Crestholm. She walks to the table but doesn't bother sitting down. This won't take long anyway.

"Well, you 3 have certainly messed up, didn't you. The 3 of them looked at each other when that line was said, but Estinion spoke up.

"I'm not sure what you mean, general. We haven't done anything wrong to my knowledge." And the other 2 nod when that was said.

"Oh, then I'll just jog your memory. Say like with the illegal use of monster poison, let's say." As that was said, all 3 of them started to sweat.

"We don't know what you're talking about."

"Well, it doesn't matter. The evidence is definitive. You 3 are guilty." As she says that the wind blew in an enclosed space and after that 3 corpses hit the floor all 3 being decapitated. "It doesn't matter if you admit it or not. You're still dead."Crystal says as she sheaths her blade. "Now let's see what other evidence we can get from your watches, shall we."

Martin was very worried about his call with Crystal. She was both angry and worried at the same time, and that's not a good combination at any time. But even so, he called a full meeting he even used threats on both his brother and Goldman's attendance as well as the other general's for the alchemists. Only master Eldmond was required to attend. On Princess Aiolta's and side general Arteshu as well as Sage master Wersholt were attending. Before things turn too awkward, Crystal walks through the door and says to everyone."Hello everyone, im glad you can all make it. I have also invited the emperor to this meeting, so we should wait until he appears."After that announcement, Princess Aiolta remarks."I have also asked my mother to attend."As such, it looks like both monarchs will be attending the meeting.

Before everyone has to wait too long, the communication interface lights up, and both monarchs are seated at both ends of the table with a few additions. Grandmaster Serren and Grand General Necrodragon seem to be attending the meeting as well. Empress Ezail calmly looked at everyone, Emperor Dragoncrest looked slightly annoyed at what must have been an interruption, Grandmaster Serren eyes the only master alchemist in the room with a quizzical look and Grand general Necrodragon looks expectantly at his Great-great granddaughter.

Crystal stood up and gathered everyone's attention and calmly stated."Welcome everyone to this meeting. I have had all of you called here because I have found some evidence that will destroy the alliance we currently have with each other as well as much more." With that, everyone seems a bit apprehensive. What could she find that would destroy current relations."I will now play the recording of a communication I found on a criminals watch band."And with that, she played the recording.

In the middle of the table, the silhouette of an Ezail male took shape, and when everyone saw who it was, there were various reactions the Ezail seemed slightly surprised however the bulk of those from the dragon empire the emperor included looked at the man in furry. Then, the recording spoke."Winchester, by the agreement, reached by your clan patriarch and myself. I have searched and found a plant that has a very minimal amount of dragons bane in it. As such, im sending a sample to you, and it will be up to you to get the dragon knights to take the plant. If you succeed in this, I will make you personally a governor of a continent when I have conquered the dragon empire, so don't let me down."