Chapter Six - Diagon Alley (Edited)

Throughout the journey, Hagrid consistently grumbled about the cost, the cramped seats, and the supposed misfortune of Muggles.

When we stopped we arrived at a dingy bar, he introduced us to the so-called Leaky Cauldron, when we entered everyone greeted Hagrid, but he put on his airs, explaining that he was on an important duty that Dumbledore had given him, and so he introduced the great Harry Potter, as a good extra I stood next to Hagrid and waited patiently for everyone to shake Harry's hand while saying kind words of admiration and gratitude.

While that was happening, I began my move to get closer to Hagrid. And what better way than to mention and compliment the person he admires the most?

- "Hagrid, Headmaster Dumbledore, he explained to me a bit about the magical world, you are an extremely kind man, you being someone he esteems and trust, could you explain to me a bit more about the school? I have no family, I live in an orphanage and I don't know if there are things I should or shouldn't talk about or inappropriate behavior between wizards to be aware of, I feel very insecure about the whole wizarding thing, I don't know if I'll be talented or if I'm not good at magic."

All this fallacy as I put on my most downcast face, as I hoped to move Hagrid a little, luckily he is not hard-hearted even though he was a little less distant when he spoke, it was a small improvement. I had a few hours if I wanted to complete the first quest, I was worried that a new quest would be generated if I didn't finish the previous one.

When everyone, or at least the majority, had patted Harry's hand, the two-faced Quirrell arrived with his perfect stutter. Once he had finished observing his prey, he quickly left.

Harry, flushed and embarrassed, began to question Hagrid about everyone's behavior, and he found out everything, for my part as a good, curious, and ignorant girl I threw some questions to join the conversation.

- "Hagrid, could you tell me what my mother did, the headmaster just told me that she made bad decisions, and she was paying for them, did she steal or did she do something worse? Is she in jail? A fortnight ago, I found out my surname and my mother's name, but I don't know anything else."

- "You... You're too young, firstly, your mother is her, and you're you, you shouldn't feel pressured by what she did, your mother, she... She's in Azkaban."

Hagrid got up and said look at the time, we're late, awkwardly got up, and put some odd coins on the counter. Abruptly cutting the subject short. I appreciated his decision, as this would perhaps help me with the perspective in which Harry would see me.

Once we passed through the wall, we marveled at the bustling Diagon Alley, our first stop was Gringotts, once there, Hagrid pulled out a pair of keys, for each of us respectively, and also pulled out Dumbledore's letter. The goblin sent another one to take us to our respective vaults, originally I thought we wouldn't fit in the small trolley, strangely enough, we all climbed in.

The first stop was Harry's vault, I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised at the amount of money his parents had saved.

Next was me, the Lestrange vault was lower than the Potter's, this was a question that gnawed at me, how much money would the Lestrange's have?

When I saw the inside I felt comfortable, there were also piles of galleons that reached the ceiling and filled the floor, and some strange objects, possibly dark objects, among them should be the Horcrux. Let's ignore its existence for now.

To confirm I asked Hagrid and the goblin if I could take as much money as I wanted, once I received the affirmation, I started to take as many coins as I could fit in my pocket, I even asked Hagrid to keep enough for me, he tried to convince me that it was too much, But after explaining to him that in addition to school supplies, I needed books of all kinds to learn everything I had missed in my 11 years of ignorance, he calmed down a bit, with the promise not to waste indiscriminately and if necessary to ask a teacher for help to save the money.

Once we were out of there we split up as both the wand and robes would take time, so Harry went for his wand and I went for the robes, before he left I stopped him.

- "Hagrid, I know I am a child, but I think I deserve to know about my parents, I know you and Headmaster Dumbledore want to protect me and I feel extremely grateful, but sooner or later, even if it is not by your mouth I will know about the sins of my parents, and you are quite evasive so certainly they are very bad people, before going to school I want to prepare myself about the treatment I will receive from the other children, I am used to indifference and dislike so it won't make much difference, just tell me, please."

Hagrid, just sighed, touched my head, and said, - "They were the Dark Lord's most loyal supporters, please don't indagate any further." - As soon as he finished speaking, he said he would go and see if Harry was finished.

I was relieved to not cross paths with Draco and grateful for the chance to adjust my cloak before heading to Ollivanders. Upon arrival, I noticed Harry was still in search of his wand. I waited by the entrance, anticipating Hagrid's arrival with Harry's owl. As expected, Hagrid soon arrived and Harry found his wand. Hagrid handed Harry the owl and I quickly left to avoid interrupting their reunion.

- "Good afternoon, I've also come for a wand."

He measured my arm and began the search, pleasantly it didn't take long and I quickly found my wand.

- "A good willow wand with a core of thestral hair, a very faithful and proud wand."

After thanking him, I sought out Hagrid for directions to the owlery. Though he offered to come with me, I assured him that his guidance was enough and didn't want him to walk too far. I was grateful for his assistance.

When I arrived at the owlery, there were many different types of animals including cats, rats, and other exotic creatures. I found it challenging to decide which one to get since I lived in an orphanage, and having a cat would be problematic as the other children could harm it. I considered getting a rat but decided against it. Then I thought about getting an owl, since they sleep during the day. I might order one from Hagrid after my first year at Hogwarts to ensure its safety.

I finally bought a cute little black and white spotted owl, I named her Aria.

I was able to purchase the cauldron and potion ingredients quickly.

When I arrived at Flourish and Blotts, I was thrilled to see a wide selection of books. Besides purchasing my school books, I also bought books on various topics like spells, history, and alchemy to prepare for what's ahead.

After we finished shopping, we took our trolleys to the Express, where Hagrid gave us our tickets before leaving.

- "Hagrid there must be a mistake, there is no platform 9/4."

Regrettably, the individual referred to was no longer present.

Now was the time to get closer to Harry, I had to take advantage now, once Weasley got ideas and suspicions about me, it would be difficult for me to get close to him.