Chapter Seven - Express to Hogwarts

As Harry and I walked and talked, we got to platform 9, and sure enough, there was no sign for 9 3/4, Harry had told me a bit about his life with his horrible aunt and uncle, and I had told him about my life at the orphanage. Then we realized the time and that our search for platform 9 3/4 was hopeless, we had to go over to ask and it only resulted in us looking like naughty children.

Then I saw the Wesley family and Harry heard them, we approached and Ron's mother kindly explained to us how to get over the wall, I was the first to get over even though I wanted to keep my appearance calm, I couldn't help but run a bit nervously into the wall, I waited a few seconds for Harry, it was a challenge to get the bags in, they were too heavy for us, luckily or by the power of the script, the Wesley twins came over to help.

- "Are you brothers or cousins? Strangely, in your first year, you don't have an adult with you."

- "We are not family, we come together as we have lived without knowing of the existence of magic until the arrival of our letter."

Harry introduced himself and they made a fuss, luckily their mother called them and they said goodbye.

Once we found an empty place we went inside, it was time to be honest with Harry before it was misunderstood that I didn't tell him about my family background.

- "Harry you know I lived in an orphanage, Hagrid told me the reason my parents are in Azkaban, they were followers of Voldemort, I hope you don't hate me for what they did, I'm not like my parents, I hope we are friends."

Telling him this could certainly drive a wedge between us, but it could also drive one if I didn't tell him, maybe both outcomes would be the same, it's too much trouble to have a pair of super loyal evil morphs as parents.

Harry was shocked and speechless for a few minutes, when he opened his mouth the unwelcome red-headed boy walked in.

Being a very talkative boy, Ron destroyed the serious atmosphere that flooded the compartment, Ron asked about Harry's scar and he awkwardly showed it to him, for my part I just introduced myself as Elizabeth deliberately omitting my surname.

Both children recounted their family situations and quickly became good friends, for my part, I tried to include myself in their conversation, although it was a bit awkward, it wasn't too bad.

When it was time to buy sweets, I bought a little less than Harry, Ron looked at us with envious eyes. Haaa as soon as he finds out, the last thing in his eyes will be envy.

I still asked expert Ron for his opinions on the sweets, which made him very proud. I also made sure to share some sweets with Ron, and he was certainly relieved of the awkwardness of bringing his own snack.

So the three of us and the animagus rat enjoyed the sweets, while the train moved on and Ron tried to brag about getting back to his yellow rat.

I don't know how much it will affect the plot when I hand over the little rat Peter, certainly, there is a family member in Azkaban who would be good to have as a legal guardian.

Still, deep in thought, the door opened abruptly with the magnificent arrival of the studious little witch.

Once she had pointed to the spot on Ron's nose and said her bossy lines and was about to leave the compartment, I proceeded to ask her where she had changed.

Once I finished the train stopped and we arrived at Hogwarts.

Still not quite ready for the treatment and stares I was sure to receive. And looking forward to fulfilling the system's mission over the days.