


/"Justin, I hate him!/" I whined to Justin when lunch break was over, I was finally happy and relieved to get away from this womanizer. He was scary and annoying to be with, the media lied to us when they said he was kind and a gentleman.

/"Poor girl, what happened?/" He comforted me sarcastically, I rested my head against his chest.

I don't know if I should ruin the prince reputation.

Whatever, he deserves it.

/"The prince has been bullying me!/" I scowled and got away from him to wipe my fake tears. I have a talent to cry whenever I want, it's an advantage for me to use for different situations. Once, I had to cry in front of my headmaster because we got caught by the supervisor who was around there. We were only drinking, nothing wrong.

/"The prince is an evil man./" He added vilely, and I nodded frantically while brushing my hair.

/"I know right!/" I exclaimed and shoved him playfully.

/"No, seriously, what happened?/" He said ending our play.

/"He's a womanizer./" I pursed my lips firmly.

/"I knew it./" He scoffed and put on some coins in the vending machine. We were alone in the relaxing room, most students had class at that time while we had a break for an hour.

/"Want some?/" He asked and I hummed in approval, he gave me the pack of sweets that I wanted to and he got himself a coffee, I can't understand people drinking black coffee, mine should be sweet coffee with milk.

/"Tell me your problems with the prince?/" He proposed himself as the psychologist, we took a seat in the auditorium for our next class, I sat on my seat and take out my laptop and pencil case with a notebook.

/"He wants me to help him dumb his girlfriends nicely, but how am I going to do that when he doesn't listen to me?!/" I sighed deeply, drinking the ice tea that Faine prepared for me.

/"He's kinda being a bossy bitch./" He frowned and I hummed in approval.

/"Exactly, he's so bossy./"

We heard the bell rang, I saw Peter going inside the auditorium sending a glare toward me, he still doesn't understand that he can't take me as an easy girl. I rolled my eyes and let out my tongue childishly.

/"I need your attention, please!/" Our biochemist professor yelled, banging the table with his book on the wall. Everyone turned toward him with a confused look.

/"Thank you, today I have the honour to tell you that we have a guest who has news about your internship month. Count Roman, your grace./" He bowed at the man who was sitting earlier with his phone, oh that's right he's the Prince best friend and also his cousin. The Prince only have the two most trusting men beside him, they could die for him and swore their whole faith to the empire.

/"Right, welcome everyone, I'm Roman Hers and my colleague Ashton Welsh should be here but I think he's running late./" He chuckled to light up the tension, he was hot not handsome like Rhyker and Ashton but not my style. I think he will suit Faine's style pretty much. Blond gold hair, grey piercing eyes, his nose crooked making it look like a fighter.

/"Here you are, we were waiting for you!/" Roman, the count, said to the royal guardian who barged into the auditorium. He looked at the crowd and once our eyes met he waved at me with a happy grin on his face. I widened my eyes and waved back at him with politesse.

/"Ashton Welsh, the royal guardian./" He introduced himself to us. We bowed at them for respect, as a formality toward the nobles.

/"You must be wondering why are we here? Well, we are here to propose you an internship since you will have to do it anyway./" Roman started with a strong and loud voice. At the end of the semester we have to submit our application to a company for our internship, I didn't find one company who could accept me but I think I might go to the Baltes physician's company.

It's the rival of the royal medical team, they were interested in my presentation which my professor sent a brief resume to his meeting. They contacted me and proposed an internship, but I'm still thinking of it, it's hard to choose between the Royal and Baltes who is an independent company.

/"We will pick 10 of you who will be trained in the royal physician's building with the most impressive magical physician./" Ashton continued as he leaned back on the chalkboard smoothly, his face had a rested face looking at us. I can feel him not being nervous about public speaking, which is absolutely envying.

/"The deadline is at the end of the semester, but it's much better if you do it earlier so that we can revise your admission./" Roman suggested with a gentle smile, he seems like the calm one between the Prince and Ashton who are like crazy teenagers.

/"I hope for you guys to be picked, if not then it's a loss for you./" Ashton retorted evilly as he smirked proudly when he watched the anxious gaze of the students, making them feel a lot of pressure, it was a competition, of course, to be picked in the royal medical team.

Stupid kid.

/"What he's actually trying to say is that he's cheering for you. Fighting!/" Roman chuckled nervously while holding a fist up. Ashton glared at him and I laughed at him.

/"Anyway, this will be all. I'm so sorry to disrupt your lesson./" He said apologetically to the professor, who bowed to him.

/"It's my pleasure, your grace./" He smiled and Roman smiled as we bowed to them again while they were walking to the exit.

We glanced at Ashton who pushed harshly Roman while he was shaking his hand toward us. Poor him.

I feel pity for him to befriend with two most overbearing people who are annoying to stay with.

/"I feel bad for the count./" Justin said, with empathy, I also do. He's stuck with two bossy and arrogant people.