



/"Faine, where is my charger?/" I asked my roommate as I come into the living room, I don't think I should wake up her since she's sleeping with her loud snores coming out of her mouth, her student copy is placed in her face. I pity the kid who is going to have his copy back with her saliva on it.

It's internship period time, she started in a high school for an internship while I'm getting started for my stage. I walked in front of the mirror and tucked my shirt in my skirt.

I sighed and get ready for my day, I took my bag and got out of the dormitory, the hallways was still dark since it was 7 am currently, I wiped my sweaty hands on my skirt and walked straight. Starting an internship with no one to accompany is nerve-racking, apparently I'm the only one who got accepted in Baltes which surprised me.