


Meine Blume

/"This is Hemilia Gran, some of you know her or not, but she will be joining you./" Rhyker announced to everyone who stood there in the beautiful warehouse outside the cattle, many flowers were on the ceiling making me gape at how lovely it looked. As my eyes wandered around, they stopped at the head of the table who smiled kindly at me, I blushed and smiled at him as well. The majority of the persons here were people who I know that got accepted, most of them were scorning me while the others were ignoring me, not caring which I agree with. I don't want to be the center of the attention.

He led me toward them while rubbing my back softly, we were very close, like definitely, people can mistake us for being in a couple. It made me insecure, but he won't let me go since he wrapped his arms around my waist. As if I could disappear from his sight, which won't happen, but I don't understand how informal he can be with me.