Chapter 46

#Chapter 46


Clearing my throat I inch closer to him and then look at him. The black of his eyes looks breathtaking as the lights from the outside flicker through it.

/"A little more,/" Warren whispers as if it's only us in the car.

With a sigh, I give in and move closer but still keep my distance.

/"More Evelyn./"

My stomach burns, a pool of lava bubbling up inside of it.

/"You want me to sit on your lap?/" I mock him.

Warren's jaw clenches and relaxes as he says, /"I don't want to die yet./"

/"Glad you know my intentions./"

The millionaire stays quiet and leans back in his seat, his hand straddling his thigh. Somehow the sight of it further warms the walls of my insides.

/"I've been wondering. What happened to your mom?/" Warren asks carefully.

/"I'm sure you already know./" I look ahead. Feeling uncomfortable starting this conversation with him out of all the people in the world.