Chapter 47

#Chapter 47


I'm not used to publicity. It's part of the reason why Michael and I don't meet much. When we do, we spend most of our time at my condo. He's confined in his penthouse as well and he has to do the same when he comes here to save me the trouble of dealing with the paparazzi.

Michael and I both are introverts, despite the fact we are both in such a line of work where we have to be really confident and social. Which we are, but only to a certain extent.

Tristan pulls up near the curb and looks at Warren through the mirror. /"Sir,/" his tone solemn like a soldier.

/"Thank you, Tristan./" Warren opens the door and slides out of the car. He unbuttons his jacket and adjusts his cufflink with his fingers. When he looks at me he arches an eyebrow.

/"Do I look okay?/" I must have been staring because he smirks when he asks me.

/"You look more than okay./"

/"I know./"

I roll my eyes at his arrogance.