Chapter 56

#Chapter 56


The chime of his phone breaks the moment. Retrieving it out of his pocket he stares at the screen.

I marvel as I watch a smile grow on his face and his eyes soften in color. These are subtle changes, but I spot them.

/"Message from the lover boy?/" Now it's my turn to wiggle my eyebrows.

/"What? Psst no!/" Ivan's lying skills need improvement.

Another chime of his phone and his cheeks tint pink.

/"You might want to reply to him,/" I say, enjoying the way my best friend is fumbling with the phone.

/"He needs help with something./"

/"Then go. Miles and I will get an Uber./" Opening the door I grab Miles, who barks at the two of us in protest.

/"I'm sorry Miles. We were talking. I swear we didn't forget you./" I sit down and give him a scratch.

Miles woofs loudly in acknowledgment.