Chapter 57

#Chapter 57


/"So you are in the city./" To avoid suspicion I look out of the window.

/"Just arrived an hour ago. I was in Paris for the past week. I was working on a project that needed my immediate attention,/" Warren explains and the anxiety in my head lowers in volume until there are just echoes.

I hate myself for admitting this but I sort of missed Warren last week. I can't deny the truth, which is I'm getting used to him being in my life.

I've spent ten years without him which counts up to a lot of weeks and days. But it took one month for him to shake my equilibrium and make me feel something for him.

I can't exactly pinpoint what the feeling is but it seems to be trapped inside the crystal of pain and heartbreak. That resides in my chest, firmly wedged in my heart with his name carved into it.

/"And you picked up their language on the way home?/"