Chapter 79

#Chapter 79


Since that charity event, I've been thinking a lot about Genevieve and Adam. The two of them are the cutest together. I plan on donating clothes and toys to the organization first-hand. Of course, Austin Meyer will be at my throat for breaking some code of conduct—as he doesn't like me—but I'll handle him this time.

Overlooking all the paperwork. I have a meeting with Beth who scowls less at me now. I guess the party did a number on her.

By the time I finish up evening rolls in and I want to bang my head against the wall for getting late when I tried my best to be early.

Ivan and Yasmine walk into my office chirping like best of friends. The smile on Ivan's face brings me so much happiness to me.

It's such a great feeling when your best friend is happy and falling for someone who is good for him.

/"I have a date tonight./" Yasmine announces and Ivan rolls his eyes.