Chapter 80

#Chapter 80


My face is towards the wall so I can't look back at the man. But I can feel him. And fuck it's an awful petrifying feeling.

Using his fingers he tucks my hair to one side of my shoulder and unhooks my necklace in one go.

I watch as it gets off my neck and I feel the emptiness sinking heavier than a mountain drowning into a sea.

In my stupid mind, I assume he's done but his fingers caress my neck and my chest dissipates every molecule of air inside of me.

/"I must say I see the appeal./" The man whispers against my ear in a sweet voice that sounds sour to me.

Soaking up my tears I feel his ribs behind my elbow and I ready myself to hit him.

/"You're a b—/" before his hands can settle on my waist I aim the elbow in his ribs with every ounce of strength I have left in me.

/"Fuck!/" The painful groan eats up the deafening silence in the air as I move to get away from him but my attempt fails.