Chapter 94

#Chapter 94


When I enter the room, the grinch hurries and closes the door behind me. Crossing his arms he looks at me skeptically. /"What are your intentions with my best friend?/"

/"I want her./"

He intimidates me with his sharp gaze but he has no idea I've been through worse. /"She's not a prize. She's a human./"

/"I never said that. I meant, I desire to be with her./"

Stepping closer he says, /"it's been more than two months. And I've been watching you. I know you guys have a history. Which she hasn't told me about. But she mentioned how you broke her heart. Now let's get one thing clear./"

Ivan is one inch shorter than me, but he corners me like a damn bouncer. Cold blue eyes pierce through mine and the tight lines on his face add to his tough facade.