Chapter 95

#Chapter 95


Looking over I find Miles watching me. I think he approves of me being with Evelyn because he never interrupts me when I'm with her. But he's always close, keeping an eye.

Sauntering over to me he puts his paws on my pants and I bend down to play with him. He smiles and barks like a happy kid and tries to lick me.

The evening slips into the night by all five of us making dinner. Yasmine and Connor agree to make different sauces. While the rest of us work on folding and designing the ravioli. The recipe is the most difficult thing I've ever made. But I take on the challenge as I love the smile that blooms on Evelyn's face.

Since the first night I met her, I've observed how she protects her heart and keeps a wall around herself. She smiles less compared to ten years ago. And she's hesitant to trust anyone.