Chapter 129

#Chapter 129


I'm in love.

Not that I didn't know that already. But this time it feels different. It hits different. And that's all because of one person. Evelyn Rue Melgren.

Fate is a mastermind. The way it works, it has fooled some of the most intelligent and powerful people in the world. You can neither fight it nor avoid it. It keeps knocking at your door like an uninvited guest until you take the hint and pull it open.

I've loved Evelyn for ten years. Each day more than the prior.

Looking back I can't remember a single day when I didn't love her.

Like blood, she's been flowing through me for years, so thoroughly that she is a part of me. Much more than anything could ever be.

/"Mr. Archer, what do you think?/" Niall Keelan asks me with eyes eager to know my opinion.