Chapter 130

#Chapter 130


Someone nudges my foot and sleep evaporates from my senses.

/"Wake up Archer./" The infuriating voice of Michael makes me blink my eyes.

/"Is it morning?/" I rub my eyes and then look around the hallway. There's no window for me to look outside and inspect the world.

/"It's past five AM./" Michael walks into his room, but this time leaves the door open.

Standing up I get rid of my tie and give my throat some space to breathe as I unbutton the top three buttons.

The room is relatively clean and in tidy condition, unlike the cobwebs and pungent smell lurking in the hallway.

A small lamp near the bedside drenches the room in light. The bed looks small for Michael's size and I wonder how he fits into it. In the corner, there's a mini-fridge on top of a table that has his phone and laptop on it. With a shabby couch and ancient television. The room is the perfect five-star suite for him.