Chapter 131

#Chapter 131


Stupid crazy asshole: Are you free tomorrow?

I'm in the middle of studying the profit sheet from last month when my phone chimes.

Evelyn: Depends

I fight back a grin as I put down my phone. Not a second later another text comes.

Stupid crazy asshole: I want to take you out on a date.

Butterflies fly in my stomach and it feels like magic is happening inside of me. When in reality this is how happiness feels like.

Evelyn: Date? I think I might be free for that.

Stupid crazy asshole: Good. I'll pick you up at eight. Wear something red. And you'll be staying the night with me.

Evelyn: Control freak.

Evelyn: Is that your code word for sex?

Stupid crazy asshole: I want you to wear red for me.

Stupid crazy asshole: Depends

I bite my lip at his last text.