Chapter 145

#Chapter 145


I swear my lungs stop working, my heart stops beating and my mind goes blank. For a nanosecond my world stops spinning and I do nothing but lie and stare at him.

My heart breaks inside my chest and tears cloud my vision.

/"I've loved you for ten years. It's you. It'll always be you. It doesn't matter if another decade goes by, for me it'll always only be you./" He says.

Tears escape my eyes and reach my ears.

The orgasm I was experiencing vanishes.

/"Stop. I can't./" I fight my wrists in his hold and he lets go of me and pulls out of me.

Quickly I sit up and cover myself with his sheets as he slips on a pair of boxers. Picking up his shirt he hands it to me but I don't take it.

/"We need to talk./" There's a finality to his tone.

Taking the shirt I wear it and then wipe away my tears.

Warren sits at the foot of the bed and looks at me. /"What's the matter?/"

I laugh hard.