Chapter 146

#Chapter 146


On my way I buy two bottles of cheap wine and arrive at Yasmine's place. She lives with her mom outside the city in a nice big house with a picket fence. Her house looks dreamy and feels like home.

I texted Ivan to come.

By the time I pull up at her house it's two in the morning, and I'm emotionally tired and physically numb. Yet still I can hear my heart aching in excruciating pain.

The lights are on as I make my way to the door. Before I can knock, it opens, and my two best friends look at me and pull me in a hug.

I let the tears stream down my face.

Miles goes frantic beside me and I try to calm him down, but he's not having it. Sitting on the couch in the living room I pull him on my lap and rub his fur in long slow strokes.

/"Where's your mom?/" I ask Yasmine.

/"She's with Aunt Riley for the weekend./"

I nod and put the bottle on the table.