Chapter 7 - A Celebration

Robert's POV

  Later, before I would leave the colosseum to go home, the same girl who bumped into me earlier came to me, only to accuse me for trying to kill Peter.

  "No, I didn't," I denied back upon turning around. "I just went too far."

  "You little…," she responded back with anger. "I'll make sure you'll have a miserable life in this prestigious school."

  "Why?" I retorted back seriously. "I had to pass the entrance exam, and he is my opponent. Are you out of logic or something?"

My words pissed her off, and she shouted, "He's my older brother, you idiot!"

This causes me to be surprised. "He's your older brother?"

  "Yes, and he was the student coordinator in this school," she explained back as she cools down.

  "Oh, is that so?"

Then, our conversation was interrupted when someone, probably a messenger for the school, came to me, only to give me a letter with a waxed seal, and he told me to give it to Blaise.

  "Okay, sir," I responded back normally. Then to the red-haired girl with seriousness. "I'll be going now. Don't say things like that or else no one will like you."

As I walked away, I heard her ranting on my "inappropriate" words.

  Later, at noon, I went back home, greeting, "I'm home."

Blaise, who was doing some alchemy work, then greeted back, "Welcome back home, Robert-kun. How's the entrance exam?"

Taking off my shoes, I responded back, "I think I passed it."

Delighted by it, Blaise leave her work and ran to me, giving me a quick hug. "Wow, congratulations. How about the results?"

  "I think it's not yet determined," I replied back. "But I do have a letter for you."

I then give the letter to her.

Receiving it, Blaise removed the waxed seal and unfolded it, reading its contents.

Then, moments later, she was overjoyed.  "You're now a top student! Mom and dad will be proud of you."

I was shocked with surprise. "What?"

I then grabbed the letter and reads it.

The letter ends with the words, "Congratulations, your performance had made you a top student with a great score of 100 points. You can start your first-year by next week.

  -The Headmaster"

Looking at my sister, I was happy and responded, "Yeah, you're right. I am a top student."

  "Let's celebrate," Blaise suggested. "What would you like for lunch and dinner?"

To that I think for a while, then I answered, "How about Roasted Wild Boar and whole wheat bread?"

  "Sure! Whatever you want," Blaise quickly agreed with me.

To that, I chuckled a bit and thought, "She spoiled me so much."

  Later, we went out to buy some Roasted Wild Boar and whole wheat bread at the town market. But, Blaise promised not to share the news to anyone so we will not stand out. Along the way, people are buying and selling goods at various price levels, depending on the rarity of a product. But I know that wild boar meat was a bit expensive because it was needed to be hunted in the forests, while whole wheat bread was dirt cheap. But Blaise had saved enough money to buy these things for our celebration of me passing the entrance exam and entry into the town's most prestigious school of magic.

  Once we had bought them for a total price of 51 gold coins, we went back home to cook them as lunch and dinner. At home, I helped out by slicing the whole wheat bread and preparing the oranges, which was fresh from the orchards outside of town, to be as orange juice, while Blaise was cooking the wild boar in an oven with heated coal shoved into it to give it a roasted flavor.

  Later, at 1 in the afternoon, after almost an hour of roasting, the Roasted Wild Boar was done cooking, and Blaise took it out of the oven and served it on the dining table. The sliced whole wheat bread and the orange juice are already there on the table, alongside two plates and two pairs of spoons and forks.

  Once we settled down, we both did a prayer gesture. "Thanks for the food", before grabbing our spoons and forks and eat up. I then cut a piece of that roasted wild boar meat, placed it on a slice of whole wheat bread, and eat it, tasting its flavor.

  "Wow, this is so delicious," I commented with happiness.

  "Tasty, isn't it?" Blaise asked me.

  "Yes, thank you so much."

  Later at 2 in the afternoon, after washing the dishes and cleaning the table, we went, again, to watch some theater performances and historical plays as a part of our celebration. Again Blaise promised not to brag nor share the news of my entry into Peacewood Magic Academy to anyone. At the town theater, we watched a total of two performances and one historical play, and our tickets only costed us 3 gold coins each. Once that was done, we left the theater and went to the forests to do some magic training, as a usual afternoon routine for us.

  Later at night, we were at home after a long day of entrance exam and celebrations. Blaise was writing letters to our relatives informing them of my entry into the prestigious Peacewood Magic Academy because they lived in Keystone, the capital city of Saverfort. I, in the other hand, was eating dinner alone because Blaise was still writing.

  At 8, I was relaxing in a bathtub in the bathroom after dinner. The night was peaceful because we lived at a neighborhood far away from the town markets.

  "Man, I acted so cool and serious today," I thought in my mind in positivity. "I did that to show partial dominance to those who try to mess with me or my family."