Chapter 8 - First Day at School

Third person POV 

  One week later, it's the first day of school for Robert. And after waking up and making his bed, Robert went downstairs to eat a quick breakfast with a cup of coffee made by Blaise, who always cooks his meals in the past. And at the breakfast table, once settling down, Robert do a prayer gesture, and said, "Thanks for the food", despite the fact that he was a Filipino in his previous life. He then grabbed his spoon and fork and eat up. His meal was scrambled egg with tomatoes and cheese. Blaise had the same dish as Robert's.

  "So, are you ready for your first day at class?" Blaise asked him positively while eating.

Looking at Blaise, Robert sipped his cup of coffee. "I think so yeah. I mean, I read the curriculums of that school. I want to try them."

  "Whatever that suits you and makes you happy," Blaise agreed with him in response. "Good luck out there."

  "Thanks, big sis!"

  Not long after, after wiping the table clean, Robert went upstairs to change clothes and dressed in his uniform, which was provided by the academy for free. In his bedroom, he first wore his collared, plain white polo shirt with buttons and long-sleeves, before topping it off with his plain black necktie. After that, he wore his charcoal black pants with pockets. His socks and shoes are at the front door. He was allowed to wear any kind of shoes and with or without socks. After dressing up, he prepared his brown leather shoulder bag with his books, textbooks, and few quill pens. He doesn't need to bring any ink bottles because the academy had already provided ones in classrooms and libraries.

  After preparing, he grabbed his bag and went downstairs, before wearing his shoes and socks and saying goodbye to Blaise. He then opened the front door and went out for school.

  Along the way, as he walks, Robert was wondering what class he will be in. The letter from yesterday didn't mention what class he will be in so he needed to ask his designated advisor and homeroom teacher, Cedric Catalina, for it.

  Then, Robert took a left turn to an alleyway in an attempt to shorten his travel time and to be early at class as possible, only to encounter three suspicious-looking men counting coins and holding daggers. It seems that they are thieves by behavior and appearance. Facing a big dilemma, Robert took a deep breath and try to walk pass them, but one of them caught him by the shoulder, and it makes him startled.

  "Hey, young man," that thief said to him, "give me some money."

Turning around, Robert nervously responded, "Sorry, I don't have any money."

  "Come on," the second thief insisted, "just a couple of coins, and we'll let you go."

  "I said no!" Robert yelled as he started to sprint fast, causing the three thieves to chase him.

But, Robert eventually reached a dead end, and he was cornered by the three thieves.

  "Oh, no," Robert thought to himself. "I'm gonna be dead on my first day in class."

But, he remembered the time he was bold and brave at the goblins 6 years ago. And after that flashback, Robert turned serious and said to the thieves boldly, "Okay then, try to attack me then."

  "You made the wrong decision, young man," the third thief responded. Then to his two fellow thieves, "Attack him!"

His fellow thieves did so, holding their daggers and charged at Robert.

Robert then aimed his two hands. "Discharge!"

Then, Discharge fired from his hands and towards the two charging thieves, striking them with electricity. The two thieves then dropped their daggers and collapsed to the ground, paralyzed.

Watching this, the third thief was disgusted by it then, and he responded with anger, "How dare you hurt my friends?"

Chuckling a bit at him and putting his hands down, Robert replied back with style, "No, I didn't. I just paralyzed their bodies temporarily. They'll move shortly thereafter."

  "You bastard! I'll kill you!" the third thief shouted at him with anger. He then charged at him.

Robert then aimed his right hand. "Electric Force Field!"

He then summoned an Electric Force Field, clouding his surroundings with an electric force field, blocking the third thief and since that thief was holding a metal object and it had a thin leather handle, he got electrocuted with thousands of volts of electricity. That thief then dropped his dagger and fell to the ground paralyzed. Looking at them seriously, Robert said, "This is what you get for messing with me, you thieves."

He then put his hand down, and the Electric Force Field itself deactivated and dissipated.