Chapter 9 - Peacewood Magic Academy

Robert's POV

Moments later, two guards came to the scene, only to see me and three paralyzed men.

"What is going on here?" one of them asked me.

"These people are trying to rob me of my money," I responded back a bit seriously.

"I see," the other guard replied back. "Did you beat them up?"

"Yes," I answered back honestly.

"What magic or weapon did you use?"

"I had Lightning magic."

This shock the two guards.

"Wait a minute, are you from the Lightningheart clan?"

"Yes, and my name is Robert Lightningheart."

"I see. Well, thanks for catching them. They always cause trouble in this town."

"Oh, they do?"

The second guard then nodded. "Yes, you're off the hook."

Then, the first guard then took a closer look at my uniform.

"Are you a student of Peacewood Magic Academy?" he asked me.

"Yes," I answered back, "and today is my first day in class."

"Oh, I see. Well, go now before your class starts."


At that time, a magical timekeeper with a model of the sun's position appeared magically from my right arm. It shows that he only had a few minutes before the clock would strike 8 o'clock.

This freaks me out, and I responded to the guards, "Uh, thanks for everything, sir. I gotta go now."

I then ran out of the alleyway and towards the streets that leads to Peacewood Magic Academy, which is a few blocks away.

Shortly thereafter, I managed to arrive at the main gate of Peacewood Magic Academy just before the clock tower struck 8 o'clock.

Upon seeing the exterior of the main school building, I thought to myself in commentary, "Wow, looks so classical."

Then, suddenly, the same young man who talked to the sister of Peter and dressed in the same uniform as mine, bumped into me and hit my right shoulder.

"Oh, sorry!" I apologized to that person almost immediately.

"Watch it, rookie!" that young man retorted back harshly towards me.

He then entered the academy grounds.

"What's his problem?" I asked in my mind.

I then took a deep breath and entered the academy via the big, main gate.

Now within the academy campus, I was marveled by the building's medieval/Renaissance-style looks. It was barely filled with students because the clock tower had just struck its bell, meaning that it was a time for class. Not long after, at the corridor, I was thinking about what class am I in.

And then, a middle-aged man with dark grey hair and a moustache came behind me and gave me a scolding for being late for class.

Upon hearing that, I got startled and turned around and looked at him.

"Uh, sorry, who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm your advisor/professor, Cedric Catalina," the man said to me seriously and sternly.

"Oh, right!" I thought to myself.

"What's your reason for being a late?" Cedric asked me.

"Oh, um, some bandits tried to steal money from me on the way here."

"Oh really? I'll check with the guards. Come with me to the headmaster's office."

He then turned around and walked away, prompting me to follow him.

  Not long after, we arrived at the headmaster's office and Cedric opened the door. Then, we saw the headmaster talking to the two guards, the same two guards whom I had met earlier.

  "Wait, those two guards…," I thought in my head.

  "Headmaster!" Cedric called.

This interrupted their talk, and the headmaster glanced at him and m. "Yes, what is it, Cedric?"

  "Is it true that a bunch of bandits had tried to rob one of your students?" Cedric asked him.

  "Well, according to these guards," the headmaster replied back while thinking for a bit, "they had caught some thieves who tried to steal money from one of our first-year students."

I then chimed in. "Um, sir, that would be me, but I beat them up."

  "You did?"

I then nodded. "Yes, sir."

  "Okay then, what's your name?"

  "My name is Robert Lightningheart, of the Lightningheart clan."

This response surprises the headmaster a bit, and he clears his throat. "I see. By the way, my name is Sol Spiritheart, I'm the headmaster of this academy. I saw your performance at the entrance exams. That was outstanding. You might have a great potential within you."

  "I don't think so, sir," I replied back while scratching my head a few times. "I'm just showing my skills so I could pass."

  "I see, that's why. Well then, welcome to Peacewood Magic Academy. And, is that true that you almost got robbed?"

  "Yes, that's I'm late. I'm sorry."

  "That's alright, you're off the hook."

But, Cedric gave me a warning, "But, if you're late for an obvious reason, you know what happens. Got it?"

His intimidating face really scares the life out of me, and I responded, "O-Okay, Cedric-sensei. Got it."

  "Good. Go to class."

  "Yes, sir."

I then turned around and left the headmaster's office and went on to find Cedric's classroom.