Chapter 10 - The Duel

Third person POV

  Along the way, Robert was wondering if there is any school entrance ceremony before class time. But, that thought disappeared and debunked when he stumbled on a classroom with the sign, "1-A".

Upon seeing that sign, Robert thought, "I think this is it."

Luckily, Cedric came and told Robert to find a seat.

  "Oh, right, sensei," Robert responded back, before climbing the steps to find a seat for himself.

  Moments later, he found one, but it was next to the young man who bumped into him earlier. That person looked at him coldly and seriously.

Looking at him a bit nervously, Robert asked, "Um, can I have this seat?"

  "Whatever, you can have it," the young man retorted back harshly.

  "O-Okay then."

Robert then settled down on that seat and put his bag on the table. He then let out a big sigh, and thought to himself, "Man, today was already chaotic."

  Later at lunch time, Robert went to the cafeteria to eat lunch. He knows that the food and drinks in that cafeteria will cost him money, and he had lied to the thieves that he doesn't have any money.

  "I luckily brought some money," he thought to himself while choosing what food he wants to have for lunch.

Luckily, in his previous life, he learned most of the food in the medieval period, so it's a little bit easier for him to recognize most of them.

He then eventually selected a bread bowl of pumpkin soup and a slice of wild boar meat pie for 4 gold coins. For drinks, he chose a glass of water, which is actually free unlike other beverages.

  After paying for them, he went to find a seat for himself, only to bump into the same young man who reluctantly gave a seat to him earlier. Luckily, he didn't spill his food on the young man's uniform, and he immediately apologized to him. Everyone in the cafeteria looked at that accident scene.

  "That's it," the young man said to him with seriousness. "You and me, outside, after lunch."

He then walked away.

Looking at him, Robert replied back, "O-Okay then."

He then turned scared and thought, "I had no other choice!"

  Later after lunch, Robert and the young man are at the courtyard having a duel. A lot of the students from different classes rushed to the scene to witness the anticipated battle, and they gathered around.

Upon seeing this, Robert said to himself, "Woah, what? A lot of them wanted to watch this?"

Looking at Robert very seriously, the young man, William Verde Demonheart, said to him, "You had humiliated my cousin by your intense magic, then me as well. You will pay for this."

He then summoned fire magic in his right hand, one of the two main types of magic used by the royal family of Saverfort alongside sword summoning.

Then, the crowd cheered for him, as if he was popular, and they shouted, "Crush him, our prince!"

Robert was stunned at the last part of their sentence, thinking, "What? Prince? Is he a prince of this kingdom or something?"

  "If you lose against one of us," William said to him, "you'll have 10 Years of Virginity."

  "What? 10 Years of Virginity?" Robert responded back in moderate shock.

  "Yes, that means that you'll never have any kids even if you got married," the young man explained in response.

  "Oh, no, if this is real," Robert thought to himself, "then I'll have to suffer."

He then turned serious and continue thinking, "Then I must win against him!"

  "Then try me then!" he shouted at William.

This really pissed the young man off, and he shouted, "Fire Bomb!"

He then started throwing multiple Fire Balls, but Robert dodged them with Flash Speed in succession.

This surprises the crowd a lot at his lightning-like speed.

  "What?" William commented at this.

Robert then summoned electric magic in his right hand, and shouted, "Discharge!"

Then, Discharge fired from his hand and towards William, electrifying him with minimum power.

This causes most of the crowd to say to each other about Robert's magic.

  "What are they talking about?" Robert asked in my mind upon noticing that.

But, that Discharge didn't paralyzed the young man, and he got up immediately.

  "Is that all you got?" he asked Robert in serious coolness. "Bring it on, runt."

This annoys Robert a lot, but it wasn't his last straw.

Then, William summoned a sword made of fire and charged at Robert.

But, Robert dodged his attack with Flash Speed, and he used Lightning Ball, one of his least used magical abilities alongside Thunder Storm, throwing multiple balls made of electricity at William's back, electrifying him more than Discharge.

But still, it didn't make the young man collapse to the ground.

That young man then turned around at Robert with fury in his eyes.

  "What the…?" I asked in a low voice.

But, will Robert win this duel against one of the princes of Saverfort and avoid the curse of 10 Years of Virginity?