Chapter 11 - William Verde Demonheart

Robert's POV

  "How dare you hit me like that, weakling?" the young man angrily asked me. He then swung his flaming sword on me multiple times, but I dodged his attacks every time. "I just trying to go easy on you without inflicting too much damage."

But, it still wasn't the last straw for me.

The crowd was amazed by my dodging skills.

Moments later, the young man was almost exhausted from swinging his flaming sword. I, too, was exhausted from dodging.

  "Is that all you got?" I asked the young man while panting. "I can take it."

  "Same goes to you, brat," the young man retorted back with an insult.

The last part of his sentence really pisses me off, and I got angry, knowing that this is an insult to my family and the last straw for me.

I then raised my hand up to summon clouds.

  "What the…?" the young man responded to this upon seeing the clouds.

  "You had insulted our family name," I said to him with cold anger. "You will regret this."

Then, as the thunders roar, I moved my hand towards the young man, summoning lightning from the clouds to him, electrifying him severely. The crowd was stunned to see that.

Moments later, as the clouds dissipate, the young man collapsed to the ground, ending the duel.

The crowd was surprised and shocked at the same time.

  "Woah, they're not doing something against me?" I asked in my mind.

But then, the young man crawled towards me and grabbed me by my clothes while looking cold at me.

I then feared for the worse, but, ironically, he appeared to be amazed. "That was amazing!"

I was shocked at his sudden shift of his attitude, asking, "What?"

I then thought, "I only do that to teach him a lesson for insulting my family name!"

  "How could you hide such a great potential?" he asked me as he let go of my clothes.

  "Well, uh," I answered back while trying to come up with an answer, "sorry?"

  "You're so cool," the young man responded back. "Your magic is so amazing."

  "Um, thanks?"

  The young man then stand up. "I apologized for my rudeness earlier, and I'll do anything to make up for it."

  "Come on, you don't have to do anything." I scratched my head for a bit. "That was just nothing. But what I did is to just show partial dominance to those who make fun of my clan's magic."

  "I see. Well, no matter what is your social status is, I'll be your friend. My name is William Verde Demonheart. You can call me as William Demonheart. What's yours?"

He then offered me a handshake.

I hesitated at first, but I eventually give in and accepted it. "Nice to meet you, William-kun. My name is Robert Lightningheart, of the Lightningheart clan."

The crowd was amazed at our newly found friendship.

We then discharged from handshaking.

  Later, after class, me and William are walking together in the streets.

  "So William-kun," I asked William a question, "are you a prince of this kingdom?"

  "Yes, I am," William answered back positively. "I'm the heir to the throne of the House of Verde."

  "Oh, really? The House of Verde? I thought it was Demonheart."

  "No, no, we're from the Demonheart clan, but our royal house is named Verde."

  "Oh, I get it now. Much like the Lightningheart clan, there is the Demonheart clan."

  "Yes, exactly, those clans are prominent in this kingdom. The rest of your clan lives in Keystone, right?"

  "Yes, they are. My older sister usually wrote letters to them. Also, where your family live?"

  "In Keystone, of course, but me and my cousin decided to live here while being students of Peacewood Magic Academy so we could study and train without the distracting busyness of a large city like Keystone. We lived in a country house, surrounded by gardens."

  "Wow, that's why you're here."

William then smiled at me.

Not long after, we reached an intersection, and William parted ways with me, before going home. I then went to the left towards my house.