Chapter 14 - Emma Demonheart

Third person POV

  The next morning, after breakfast and dressing up for school, Robert said goodbye to Blaise before leaving the house for school. The sun was shining with barely any clouds.

Shortly thereafter, Robert arrived at class, greeting, "Good morning…"

But, the red-haired girl, the one who bumped into him on the day of the entrance exams, was in front of him looking upset and a bit angry and serious.

  "Woah, what's your problem?" Robert asked her upon seeing that.

  "Let's have a duel," that girl, named Emma Demonheart, responded back.

  "Really? Now?" Robert retorted back. "How about after class?"

But, Emma was very impatient, so she grabbed Robert by his clothes and dragged him out of the classroom and all the way to the courtyard, the same place where Robert and William had a duel yesterday.

  Not long after, at the said courtyard, Emma was looking at Robert very seriously and very determined to win against him. Robert was annoyed at her impatience.

Then, Emma used her magic to summon dozens of swords, of all kinds and statuses, around her.

  "Woah, what's that magic?" Robert asked while being stunned and amazed at the same time.

  "This is one of our clan's greatest magic, Sword Summon," Emma responded back in style. "It allows the user to summon one or more swords at once."

She then pointed her finger towards Robert. "I'll tear you to pieces!"

Looking at her, Robert took it lightly. "Okay then."

Luckily, he learned Spark, an Electric magic ability that allows the user to made a huge electric attack with just a single, tiny spark.

So, he made a spark in his right hand and transfer that small spark to one of the floating swords, and, since those swords are in close proximity to one another, this single tiny spark expanded and spread across, electrifying Emma severely.

She then fell to the ground. All of the swords that she summoned then all fell to the ground and produced a big clanging noise, before disappearing into thin air.

  At the same time, William, who had saw Robert being dragged away by his cousin, ran to the courtyard upon seeing a flash of light from the Spark, only to miss everything that happened. Robert wins the short duel, and he said to Emma seriously, "Okay, we're done. Let's go back to class."

He then turned around and walked away, passing by William, who then asked, "What happened here, Robert-kun?"

Robert then looked at him halfway. "She wants to win against me, but I just used Spark on her so I could show partial dominance for her being impatient." He then turned back and continued walking away.

  After that, William looked at Emma, who managed to get up.

  "Well, this is what you get for being so impatient, Emma-chan," he said to her.

But, Emma was angry like a tsundere because Robert had win easily against her.