Chapter 13 - Journaling Time

Robert's POV

  At 7 in the evening, me and Blaise are having a hot porridge and apple pie for dinner. The atmosphere was peaceful that night.

As we eat and drink, Blaise asked me, "So Robert-kun, how's your first day at school?"

  "Oh, everything seems to be fine," I answered back while eating, "except the time I got almost robbed and having a duel with William-kun."

Blaise was shocked at the first part, asking, "What? You almost got robbed? What did you do in response to that?"

  "Well, I beat them up," I responded back while eating, "and two guards came to arrest them because they had been causing trouble in this town."

  "I see. Well, all of these years of training really come in handy, right?"

I nodded. "Yes, it was."

  "Ugh! I should've been there to beat them up."

  "Are you really that overprotective? I can protect myself."

  "What if some bad guys are much stronger than you? They might finish you off. I had been training so much to keep you safe at all times."

  "Okay, that's so weird. But, I kinda appreciated that, just in case someone stronger than me would attack us. Besides, I'm still young and learning."

  "Thanks, Robert-kun."

  After dinner, I took a warm bath at the bathroom for half an hour, before changing into my sleeping attire. Once that was done, I sat down on my chair to journal about my day. Back at my previous life, I loved journaling about my days, in great detail. I started doing it since elementary, and that skill evolved as I grew up prior to my death and reincarnation. And now, I decided to continue that habit even to this new life.

  And so, I took my quill pen, dipped it into the ink bottle a few times, and started writing in my leather-bound journal. It was great in detail, and my thoughts flowed to paper in the form of words. After writing for two pages, I concluded my journal log with the sentence, "I had made a friend." After that, I started to add doodles around it to add a personal touch to it. After doing that, I placed my quill pen onto a piece of scrap paper, turned off the lights, and went to bed.