Chapter 18 – At the Cafeteria

Robert's POV

  Later, after that partially hard art class, me, William, and Emma went to the school cafeteria to eat lunch. William decided to have the same lunch as mine so he would show equality to me despite being rich and being a royal family member, while Emma decided to have some Pumpkin Bread Bowl, which, according to William, was her favorite dish.

  Not long after, after buying our lunch and drinks with our money, we went to find an empty table. After much searching and finding, we found one, and we settled down at it. After we say, "Thanks for the food" together, we all eat up.

  "Man, William-kun," I commented to William regarding about our art teacher Nelson Laurel, "our art teacher was so nice to us."

  "Yes, and I heard that he tends to be creative," William responded back while eating his meat pie, "very, very creative."

  "I see," I replied back.

  "Yeah, much better than Cedric-sensei."

Then, Emma sighed. "I regretted not choosing to follow your advice on drawing circles. I should've listened to Nelson-sensei."

  "That's alright, cous," William responded to this. "At least you did your best out there."

  "Thanks, William-kun."

Then, I suddenly wondered about Peter Demonheart, the older brother of Emma, and I eventually bring that topic to our conversation.

  "Oh? Peter-kun?" William responded to this. "He's the student coordinator due to his resilience to any magic."

  "I already know that," I replied back. "I want to know more about him."

  "Okay, well, he's also a librarian and a shy bookworm."

The last part of his response really surprises me a lot.

  "What? A bookworm?"

  "Yes," William happily answered back. "He loves reading books and spends a lot of time at the school library even after school hours. He's not a student here because he already graduated years ago."

  "Oh, I see. I thought he's a senior student here."

  "Nope, he isn't."

  "Thanks, but…"

  "What is it, Robert-kun?"

  "I want to apologize to him for going too far during the entrance exams."

  "Oh, really?"

I nodded. "Yes."

  "Okay, well, I think he's in the library. He usually eats his lunch there. Shall we go there after lunch?"

I then stand up and responded with positive enthusiasm, "Yes, let's go there."