Chapter 19 – Peter Demonheart

William's POV

  After lunch, me, Robert, and Emma decided to go to the school library to meet up with Peter Demonheart, a cousin of mine, so Robert could apologize to him. After traversing through the corridors, we finally arrived there and I opened the double doors for Robert and Emma, revealing a huge two-floored library section of the school building. The layout of it was well-detailed and the use of space was thoughtfully and meticulously planned. There are lots of bookshelves full of books on a variety of subjects, from magic and alchemy to the most basic subjects like math and geography. There are also chairs and tables for students to read and study comfortably, complete with ink bottles, quill pens, and lamps. I had been going to this library for studying purposes ever since the first day of class.

  "Wow, this is so beautiful and huge," Robert whispered to me.

  "Yes, this is it, the school library," I whispered back to him. "Come with me."

Me, Robert, and Emma then went to the librarian's desk which was located at the center of the first floor of the section.

  Not long after, we arrived at the librarian's desk, where Peter, the librarian, was eating his light lunch.

  "Hey, Peter-kun," I greeted.

  "Big brother!" Emma greeted as well.

Peter then looked at us. "Oh, hey guys."

He then looked at Robert. "Wait, why Robert is here?"

  "He wants to apologize to you for his brutality during the entrance exams," I explained in response.

  After my response, Robert bowed his head and apologized, "I'm sorry for my brutality. You almost died because of me."

He then got up from bowing.

  "It's okay, Robert-kun," Peter replied back while understanding. "It's also my fault that I almost died. I'm sorry for insulting your family name."

  "That's alright. Just forget about it, okay?"

Peter then nodded. "Okay, let's be friends."

Robert then happily responded, "Sure!"

And so, they exchanged handshakes as a sign of their new friendship.

I then looked at Emma, who was not happy about that.

  "Seriously, Emma-chan, you cared about your pride?" I thought in my mind.

  Later after school, me, Robert, Emma, and Peter are walking together.

  "So, Peter-kun," Robert said to Peter, "do you live at the country house of William-kun and Emma-chan?"

  "No, I lived in another country house," Peter positively replied back.

  "Yeah, he doesn't want to live with us," Emma complained bitterly about Peter. "He prefers to live in a slightly smaller country house northwest of this town, and he was with his lover."

  "Lover?" Robert asked back.

  "Yes," I responded back, "and her name was Maria Oso, the daughter of the current duke of Sieva, Antonio Oso."

  "Wow, the daughter of a duke? She must be rich."

  "Yes, and she's the heiress to her father's fortune."

  "I see."

  We then reached an intersection, and Robert parted ways with us before he would go home. The three of us then continued walking towards the town square, where Peter parted ways with us before going towards his home in the northwest part of town. Me and Emma then went home to our country house, which was located east of town.