Chapter 20 – Love and Books

Peter's POV

  I arrived at my country home outside of town at 6 in the afternoon, and opened the door while greeting, "I'm home."

  "Welcome back home, Peter-kun," Maria, my lover who had blond, long hair and green eyes, greeted while reading a book, as usual every single day, at the living room. "How's your day?"

After I take off my leather shoes, I responded back, "Fine as usual."

I then entered the living room and head towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Shortly thereafter, I returned to the living room and gave Maria a kiss on the cheeks.

  "So, how's the flower sales?" I asked her.

  "Seems to be fine," Maria positively responded back as she puts her book down. "I got a big sale from the red tulips I had grown 6 months ago."

  "Wow, that was amazing. How much did you earn from it?"

  "I got 100 gold coins from that sale."

  "Man, you can be a florist and open a flower shop in town."

  "I'm not sure about that. I preferred to sell them in the town market rather than opening a shop. It's kind of risky financially."

  "Oh, right, right, sorry. You preferred to live normally and decently than doing something risky, right?"


I then sat down next to her on the sofa, and started talking about my work at Peacewood Magic Academy, including my reconciliation with Robert.

Moments later, Maria was surprised at my story. "What? You mean that boy whose parents are the heroes who died during the Second Eastern Elemental War?"

Smiling at her, I replied back, "Yeah, you remember his name, right?"

  "Yes, his name is Robert Lightningheart. You reconciled with him?"

  "Well, yeah, and I regretted insulting his family name. I got what I deserved, I guess."

  "But at least you're okay after he used a powerful elemental magic on you during this year's entrance exams, right?"

I nodded. "Yes, and we're friends now, except my younger sister wouldn't approve that."

  "Man, she cared more about her pride of your clan than other people's feelings."

  "Yes, but I can't argue with her either. I don't want to turn this into a dispute or something."

  "You're right. Just stay out of arguments, okay?"

  "I will."

  Later after dinner, while my servants are washing the dishes for us, I was at my personal library reading one of my favorite books while taking notes in a separate piece of paper. It was dark outside, but my personal library was lightened by two lightbulbs. Maria was taking a bath.

  "Man, Robert-kun is strong," I thought while taking notes. "His clan really contributed most of the victory against the Kingdom of Vanworth. I hoped the ruler of this kingdom will make a peace treaty with that cruel kingdom."

  After writing an entire paper of notes, I put it behind another piece of paper and continued writing my notes. I did this until 9 in the evening, when I slept with Maria.