Chapter 21 – A Friendly Duel

Robert's POV

  The next day, at school, I walked down the hallway towards my classroom with Emma and William. Today is geography class, and I was looking forward to the topic.

  "Man, more friends in this world," I thought blissfully in my mind.

And then, William asked me if I am ready for geography class.

I then snapped out and answered back with positive enthusiasm, "Oh yes, I am. I hoped the topic is all about the Saheda Kingdom."

  "Seriously? You want to learn about that kingdom?" Emma retorted in response.

  "Yeah, because my mom came from that kingdom," I replied back.

  "We didn't know that," William responded.

  "Sorry, I only knew that a few days ago from my older sister."

  "I see."

We then arrived at our classroom, and I slide the door open.

  "Good morning," I greeted.

We then went to our seats and settled down there. I had a seat next to William while Emma had a window seat, which she hates because the sun's ray goes through the window. But, the other seats are already occupied so she had nothing to do about it.

  As I get my books and quill pen from my bag and placed them onto the table, I noticed a folded note placed under the table. Curious, I picked it up and unfolded it. It was from Peter, and it says, "Let's have a duel after school, let's meet up at the courtyard at 4 o'clock."

After reading it, I turned towards William. "William-kun, I had a duel with Peter-kun this afternoon."

  "Wait, what?" William responded back.

  "Yeah, he left a note under the table." I showed the note to him.

  "Strange," William responded while thinking a little bit, "He never leaves notes under tables before. I think he wants to test your skill."

  "Yeah, might be. I think it'll be a friendly duel."

  "You're right, Robert-kun."

Then, after my response, Cedric came to the classroom and told us to settle down because it's time for class.

  Later, while Cedric was giving out a lecture about the Saheda Kingdom, I was listening to him with eagerness to know more about that kingdom while taking notes in my journal. The notes are looked so rushed and illegible, but I can read it clear.

  "I didn't know the kingdom was located in the desert between a shogunate and a thick forest," I thought, absorbing the information in my head so I could grasp it better.

  Later in the afternoon after class, I went to the courtyard, following the note's instructions. William and Emma are with me so they make sure nothing bad will happen to my duel. When we arrived there, Peter was already waiting for me.

  "Oh, hey, Robert-kun," Peter greeted. "How's the classes?"

  "Seems to be fine," I replied back positively.

  "Okay, what are you doing, big brother?" Emma demanded an explanation to this.

  "Nothing, I just wanted to see Robert's full potential," Peter replied back with a smile.

  "You're so weak-minded!"

  "Please, Emma-chan, he's your older brother." William intervened.

  "That's alright, you guys," I responded to this. "It's just a duel. He wants to see my full potential."

Eventually, William and Emma stopped fighting.

  "Okay," Peter said to me, "shall we do this?"

I positively nodded. "Yes."

  And so, me and Peter had a duel. William and Emma are watching from the distance. Then, our duel had begun.

Peter summoned a fire sword using magic, while I summoned electric magic in my hands.

  "I'll show my magic to you as a member of the Demonheart clan," Peter said to me with determined positivity.

  "Same goes to me," I responded back to him in the same attitude.

And then, Peter charged at me with his fire sword.

I then used Electric Force Field to block his attack.

  "Wow, nice force field you have," Peter complimented my defense response.

  "Yeah, it's one of my personal favorites," I replied back as I enjoyed our fight.

  "Okay, can you handle this?"

Peter then dissipate his fire sword and placed both of his hands on the ground and shouted, "Flaming Geyser!"

Then, the ground shook and geysers of flames burst out of the ground, blocking my view and destroying my electric force field.

  "I can't see!" I responded to this.

But, Peter charged at me with his fire sword. Luckily I managed to see that coming and dodged his attack, before using Discharge on him. The Flaming Geysers eventually dissipated as Peter gets up from being electrified and turns around towards me.

  "Wow, that was quite a Discharge," he gave me another compliment.

  "Yeah," I replied back, "I barely knew any of your clan's magic because I was so focused on my clan's magic."