Chapter 23 - Going to Keystone

Robert's POV

  Three and a half months had passed, and it's the first winter break for us first-year students. I was very excited to go to Keystone to pay my relatives, the Lightningheart clan, a visit, for the first time in my life. Me and Blaise never did this because we were so focused in both training and work. My older sister had been busy managing our parents' little potion shop so she had no time to take me to Keystone for a visit. But now, coinciding with my first winter break, she decided to close her shop for a few days, so she could take me to Keystone for a visit. Meanwhile, William, Emma, and Peter decided to come with me because they wanted to visit their clan, the Demonheart clan. They even provided us with an elaborated horse wagon, which was used exclusively used by the royal family, for a slightly faster transportation because Keystone is 7 hours away from Peacewood. It'll take a long time, but I can handle that.

  So, at 5 in the morning, me and Blaise woke up, pack up our belongings, and rode on the Demonhearts' horse wagon, with William sitting next to the driver. We brought some food and water on board just in case we get hungry or thirsty along the way. Not long after, we left Peacewood and went north towards Keystone. According to my geography textbook, the road to Keystone involves going through a forest and, that's about it. But the distance between it is what makes it so long in terms of travel time.

Along the way, as the sun was rising and the horse wagon was moving at a slow pace, we were having a simple breakfast inside the carriage. Emma, however, doesn't like what she called "peasant food". It's because we only brought whole wheat bread, Roasted Boar meat pie, and some cheese and fruits.

  "Come on, Emma-chan," Peter said to his sister, "eat up. This is what we have. Don't expect to have fancy food all the time. How about trying some simple, cheap food for a while?"

  "Same goes to you and your peasant's diet," Emma retorted back towards her older brother.


Me and Blaise are watching this while enjoying our humble meal.

  "Please, you two," Blaise tried to intervene, "stop fighting. Just enjoy what we have."

  "Yeah, big sis, they had a strange brother-sister relationship," I said to Blaise.

Back at Peacewood, before our departure, I introduced the Demonhearts to Blaise, in which she was okay with them being my friends.

  "So, what are we gonna do at Keystone anyway?" Peter asked me and Blaise.

  "We'll pay the Lightningheart clan a visit," Blaise explained her plans at Keystone, "and go to the palace because Robert-kun was being summoned by the Ruler of Saverfort."

This surprises Peter and Emma.


  "Why uncle would do that?"

I then shrugged. "I had no idea. I didn't do anything wrong."

  "I see," Peter replied. "I think uncle wants something from you."

  "Right," I responded while thinking for a bit.

  "Maybe he simply wants to see you," Emma made an assumption.


  "Let's just see," Blaise responded to this.

And so, we continue our journey to Keystone. I had no idea what opportunity is knocking on my door.