Chapter 24 – The Ruler of Saverfort

Third person POV

  At noon, the horse wagon had arrived at the gates of Keystone, a huge city and the center of trade and administration in Saverfort. The guards declared their arrival with trumpets and an announcement. Everyone, regardless of social class, gathered at the street and kneel before William because he was a prince of that kingdom. Upon seeing this through the carriage window, Robert commented, "Woah, William-kun is the prince of this kingdom."

  "Yeah, he is," Blaise responded.

Shortly thereafter, they arrived at the entrance of the palace, and they, except for the driver, all get off. They then walked inside the palace. Along the way, Robert and Blaise are amazed by the palace's beautiful interior, with chandeliers and other decorations.

  "Wow, this palace was so exquisite," Robert thought.

Not long after, they arrived at the Ruler's office, which was full of stacks of paperwork, and two servants opened the double doors for them. The Ruler of Saverfort, Matthew Demonheart Verde II, or better known as Matthew II, was asleep on his desk.

Upon seeing that his father's office is messy, William apologized to Robert and Blaise, "I'm sorry for my father's messy office."

  "T-That's okay," Robert responded back. "It doesn't matter at all."

  "Yeah, it didn't matter at all," Blaise added. "I see Robert-kun's room being messy sometimes."

"Big sis!"


Emma seems to be annoyed by their response.

"Emma-chan, don't frown like that," Peter said to Emma.

"Whatever," Emma responded to him.

After that, William said to Matthew II, "Dad, wake up. Robert-kun is here."

Then, Matthew II, a middle-aged man with a brown hair and beard and black eyes, woke up suddenly, causing most of the papers to fall to the ground.

"Sorry, son," he apologized to William, "paperwork, as usual every day."

"That's okay," William responded back. "Anyway, Robert Lightningheart is now here." He then directed it to Robert.

Upon seeing that boy, Matthew II cleared his throat. "Ah, Robert Lightningheart, nice to meet you."

To give him respect, both Robert and Blaise bowed their heads towards him for a few seconds.

"It is an honor to meet you, too, Your Highness," Blaise responded.

Emma and Peter are not required to bow before the Ruler since they are technically the members of the House of Verde.

"So, Your Highness," Robert asked him a question, "why am I here again?"

"I would like you to be one of our weapons for our army," Matthew II responded.

This shocks Robert, Blaise, William, Peter, and Emma a lot.




"What? I strongly disagreed!"

Then, Robert thought, "Um, I'm still here you know."

But, it was a joke, and Matthew II laughed. "Just kidding. Just be whatever you want to be, okay?"

"Oh, um, okay," Robert responded in unsure.

"Are you for real?" Blaise asked with doubt.

"Yes, he was here just because I want to see if what Sol-san was saying is true," Matthew II answered back. Then to Robert, "So, is it true that you used Thunder Storm on Peter-kun?"

"Yes, but I went a bit too far," Robert responded back. "I almost killed him."

He then slightly bowed his head for a few seconds. "I'm very sorry."

"That's alright," Matthew II replied back in accepting his apology. "After all, it's an entrance exam. You had to show your skills and strength as a magic user."

"I see. Thanks."

Then, William said to his father, "Dad, he even won against me on the first day at school. He's pretty strong."

"Yeah, he even used a spark of electricity on my swords," Emma added.

"Wow, really?" Peter responded to Emma. "He did that to you, Emma-chan?"

"Yes, he's so two-faced when he's nice to me after that," Emma replied back.

"Hey!" Robert responded to this. "I only do that so I could show partial dominance because you're so impatient."

"Whatever. You humiliated our family name."


  "Alright, alright." Matthew II tried to settle the fight, "if you're here to fight, do it outside, not in my office."

Realizing this, Robert and Emma apologized to him with a bow.

"Good," Matthew II responded. "All of you may go now."

With that, Robert, Blaise, William, Emma, and Peter left the office, ending their visit to the Ruler.

But before William would leave, Matthew II gave him a reminder to remain friends with Robert.

William then positively nodded. "Yes, I will, dad."

He then turned back and left the office.